Beam me up, sporty! UFO spotted among fireworks at Olympics opening ceremony

Rain's picture
By Nick Enoch

PUBLISHED: 11:01 EST, 30 July 2012

UPDATED: 11:05 EST, 30 July 2012

This UFO was seen at the Olympics opening ceremony in Stratford, east London

This UFO was seen at the Olympics opening ceremony in Stratford, east London

As fireworks lit up the heavens above the Olympics opening ceremony, watched by around a billion people, something else was seen among the whizz-bangs in the night sky... a UFO.

It may have ticked all the cliche boxes - saucer-shaped, bulge in the middle, metallic - but no one has yet stepped forward to explain the slow-moving object.

To read the rest of this story and see the photos and videos, visit Mail Online.
