Before I get started you must be awakened , This is the Awakening Prayer
Warning once you read this it can not be unread.
Queen Lilith and King Pindar's 1st Deception was Defacing the Sphinx.
FOCUS on the Winged Lion's and Lirion's above the Lost ARK.
Hailing King Leo The Galactic Ruler.
The Lion Men of Moab , The Jaguar Gods of South America , The Sphinx. Do you really think the missing link was a Monkey do you.
It may take a couple of Day's to sink In. If you start to feel a Tingling in the back of your Head , Then start writing and see what comes out. You might start to remember your past lives . Some of us have lived 100s or maybe 1000s of times.
Long before any written History on this Planet there were 2 other Worlds in separate Constellations Lira and Draconis.
Lira had a Feline race called the Lirions they were a strong and Fierce and Proud Race.
On the other side was a Reptilian Race called the Draconian's the Leader's of their race were obsessed with obtaining the Power and Creativity of the Lirion's. The Leading Draconian's would have the Children the Lirion's Kidnapped for their Blood Rituals they would torture and then Kill them for their Blood it would extend their live's and give them Youth, a practice still going on today but that's another story. Well anyway that's how the most devastating war this Galaxy has ever seen got started.
The reason lira was destroyed was because of the Treacheries of one of Lira's own Leader's A Bitch named Queen Lilith she was an Ambasiter to Draconis she was having a secret Affair with the Son of the Draconis King Pindar. She stabbed her own people in the back to become Princess of Draconis. Her treachery led to all the Fission Power plants on Lira to overload exploding the whole Planet.
Lilith's only mistake was leaving An Old Toothless Lion named Lugh alive with a battle Cruiser.
Lugh was able to overload the Engines on his Battle cruiser and Ram it in to a Draconian Weapons Depot which set off a chain reaction that blew Draconis straight to Hell Killing everyone. Just before Lugh struck the Weapons Depot the Draconian's were able to squeeze 1 shot off a Meteor Gun they had under construction around their Planet which destroyed the Planet Marduk which is now our Asteroid Belt. So lets review 3 dead planets 1.5 Billion souls lost just floating around in 3 different sun's with no way to reincarnate Opps..
That's when the Pleadians got involved what happened next is hard to say since we were all dead but the Pleadian's and the Ancient Ones created Earth and transferred all the Souls to our Sun and Earth using Soul Ships and that's why we have the Light and Dark all on one planet.
Much more will be revealed Soon.
I am a spirit guide. The lost
I am a spirit guide. The lost souls are all finding their way home and they all know me. I don't know them, or where they are from, but my higher self directs them the correct route to take. I don't know what I do, or how, but I know when I'm in the right place...for now.
The first post on this
The first post on this thread, mine. And then, these are what I wrote:
wow!.......more please, a lot more.
This story slightly reminds me of the latest thundercats series where the cats are in ancient war with the lizards. but the difference is the cats finally lost their planet due to a traitorus general to whom it was even considered a war hero. finally, thehandful surviving felines were forced to flee into deep space finally landing to planet earth were their ancient war continued.........
Just wait for Bigfoot vs the Greys
ThunderCats Yoo I had 3 month worth of work Vanish on Facebook . You can read my Blog Light Warrior's Report at Search Daniel Antonson The History and Future of the Human Race.
My heart went crazy over
My heart went crazy over this letter . very cool . execpt for the death of all those souls. it was an instint baller.My vibration just sky rocketed.