Best Crystals For Grounding
To ground with crystals all we need to do is have them around us. They can be worn as jewelry, carried in a pocket or handbag, be placed around our home or office, in our cars and other places we frequent, and can be applied (or layered) upon the body during meditation. There are a variety of crystals for grounding.
Black Obsidian increases awareness and dispels illusions so that we are able to be more grounded in day to day reality. Black Obsidians are excellent grounding crystals.
Hermatite is a stone of iron ore and generally presents as black or red. Hermatite invokes emotional grounding and balances oposing energies. Hermatite assists with focusing the mind and brings peace and balance, enabling one to deal effectively with emotional situations. Hermatite dissolves negativity and has powerful balancing qualities making them excellent crystals for grounding.
Onyx provides inner strength in times of emotional turmoil and assist with standing your ground, particularly when personal principles are being threatened or challenged.
Smoky Quartz aids with grounding and allows one to see past the material and physical in order to focus upon spiritual aspects.
Black Kyanite is a excellent crystal for grounding as it resonates with the higher frequencies. Black Kyanite can also be used for attunng the chakras and repairing the aura.
Bloodstone is a form of quartz that often presents as dark green with red flecks through it. Bloodstone is an excellent crystal to use for purification of surroundings and Self.
Garnet is seen in various colors, although the most common is red. Garnet has stabilizing and balancing effects as it breaks through chaotic emotions, throughts and surrounding energies, making them very powerful grounding crystals.
These are some of the crystals and thier functions. For more information, go to the website Discover Crystals For Grounding at
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