THE IN-BETWEEN OF ALL As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, February 21, 2013

We herald forth from the star deep within the constellation of Taurus. We are the eye of the Bull. We are a re-connection tributary. We bridge between here and there. We bridge the past and the future. We bridge between thoughts, action and non-action. We bridge between desires and manifestations, wants and needs. We are the unused portions of your celestial nature.  We come forth to announce that your abilities to move between dimensions, between thoughts, between the past, present, and future, are in the process of being abridged and reconstructed. There are spaces in-between your letters, your numbers, your sentences, your words, your paragraphs. We as the re-connections live in-between all of these experiences.

We come to show you that the energies that you dance upon like angels upon a pinhead, are moving much faster then you give them credit for. They may be a blink of an eye long, a quarter of a breath long, a thought, a second long, but they span creation. It is in this in-between-ness of physical thought and physical existence that new energies are being prepared.
The Universe is reestablishing a connection with you. You can consider us a portal, a trans-portal that takes you to a floor that does not exist in the building that you are entering. A thought that takes you beyond your present emotional temperature.  An awareness that moves beyond your current galactic understanding.  We are the in-between All. We come reaching out our energy, and stretching our light so that you may walk upon us as a bridge. We are the abridged edition of the Light within the star Aldebran, in the Constellation Taurus. We come as a catalyst for what troubles you.
You zoom past your life. You zoom past the possibilities of undiscovered potential within every meeting, within every encounter. Everything that enters your life gives you something. a connection, a remembrance, a healing, an understanding something is given. It is proven  that in-between your cell structures are vast empty spaces. It is these vast empty spaces in-between your thoughts, and body, that the Light of the Light shall pour itself, all-encompassing.  The clear light of circumstance wraps around you and presents itself in such a way that there will no longer be a question about who you are and what you are capable of being and doing.

Source: Geplaatst door op

