BEWARE OF THE PEDESTAL ~ White Cloud by Eileen Coleman

Lia's picture

10.1.14 – I asked for love and healing to be sent to certain parties and near the end I saw White Cloud.

In all honesty we have to say, we have no heart for these proceedings!  No one person shall be placed on a pedestal and given adulation, for at some point in time they will fall from grace in the eye of the beholder.  It is not our way to get involved in such proceedings and we continue to deliver our messages to those on Earth who wish to hear our words and we come in faith and all sincerity, bringing you upliftment and cheer in a world grown weary from trials and tribulations that beset you all.

 This is a time for casting off that shroud of sorrow, for dissolving the darkness and negativity that pervades your soul.  We govern proceedings and induce in you a state of ecstasy; this will bring peace and clarity, unfolding the greater mysteries that surround you.  We ask you not to be sad, we ask you to think about the reality of what you are facing.  We ask you to think about your mission on Earth that path you tread with your brothers and sisters from other dimensions, and we all come and gather together, uplifting the hearts of mankind, bringing in a clearer vision so that you may accept us as we are, your true friends and neighbours.

 We are your ‘Family of Light’ and you are ‘Light Beings’ clothed in a physical body.  The Light shines from within and we shall bring this Light into the open, measuring those reserves of energy.  And there is no cause for fear and alarm for this is most perfectly natural, like the butterfly that emerges from the chrysalis and spreads its wings to fly in vibrancy, in colour, in sunlight.  You are those butterflies destined to fly on wings of love, and you shall spread your wings and fly into the ethers and far beyond.  We prepare you to do your duty and to shed light on those issues that surround you; we are here to champion the cause, the cause of upliftment of mankind to those higher realms that await you and yours.


Be of good cheer dear friends, this is not an admonishment, this is encouragement to let the false fall away so that you may stand in your truth, in your Light, shining bright for all to see.  For in truth you are magnificent, most beautiful and wonderful to behold.  Fix your eyes on that vision, on that perfectness, for you are all perfect within that very core of your being; a seed of perfection is within you all!


We offer our condolences to those who cannot hear our words, to those who will not listen, but there will come a time when even those souls can no longer ignore that knock on the door!  And we offer them shelter and our undying love, for they too are our brothers and sisters and the Light within them shall break through so they too may come home, and in that perfect state of bliss, back to the heart of the Great Divine.  We bring you undiluted Love.


Here White Cloud came into view.


We know you have the best interests of the parties concerned but we would like to point out that this is not your problem and we assist by taking you aside and pointing you in the right direction.  There will be mammoth changes to your circuits, to your energy field, and this will be needed to rectify certain points that are lacking.  We have known for some time this association would wreak havoc in the minds of those who expect too much from any one soul.  We allow a modification to occur that will allow future channellings of excellence and we ask you to bear witness for us your friends and helpers.  And there will be a time of great joy; there has been a grand connection of minds on a higher level and we ask you to prepare for this.  We are of one mind in this and we know you will listen.  Beware - do not fall into the same trap!


I understand White Cloud.  You mean don’t put others on a pedestal or encourage that for ourselves don’t you?


We do indeed for that is not our way!  Our mission is of great importance and there are many who carry these words with joy in their hearts.

 I see now why there are so many that share these words, so that the pedestal thing can be avoided and that is a good thing.

 We reach out and tap you on the shoulder and ask you to join us and this is a great honour for us as well as you.  And we are very special to one another, we know this; it is a specialty reserved for family and friends with great love and affection.
