Bill Ballard – Christ Consciousness And The Path Of Initiation – 5 October 2012
When we finally obtain THE critical mass number of the planetary population to this point of enlightenment as described below in the 5th initation and higher, WE as the “Christed Collective” shall, and in a single unified focus thought, repair ALL damage to Mother Earth, including the Gulf Oil Spill and that compromised sea floor continuing to leak oil, as well as radiations that continue spewing forth from Fukushima, and also the continuing gas leak occurring in the North Sea as well as any other major calamity occurring on Earth which threatens any life forms on her surface. WE certainly have a lot of these occurring now, trying to awaken the human collective from their dream of being individual and separate. WE will then finally become the sacred Earth-Keepers we were always meant to be.
This IS our mission people, to go through our individual initiation process with intent to obtain the highest possible Light Quotient and frequency we can hold. Our individual focus in turn to the collective and where we can work as ONE BEING in action! Truly, there is only ONE!
Energy follows thought. Our thought, emotion, and intent sent forth from our Heart Chakra creates the reality we desire to manifest.
It’s so simple and easy!
Bill Ballard
Samadhi is a spiritual experience that opens us to the highest state of consciousness and inner bliss. It is stepping into your enlightened nature that is free from all suffering. Samadhi is found through diving into a consistent state of pure consciousness, that is void of attachment to any thought. Samadhi is a deep personal, intimate merging with the divine inside you and all around you. It is being unified with the Universe through your consciousness.
Due to the planetary quickening from the closing of cycles, collective humanity has been granted Divine Dispensation for the fastest development ever untaken by a race of beings. In this historical evolution of the human design, each phase of spiritual initiation must still be taken and cannot, in anyway, be by-passed.
We are greatly encouraged to review this Path of Initiation in order to consciously focus our personal objectives in alignment with the next stages of development and towards our ultimate goal of realizing and embodying the Christ Consciousness.
We are making this effort to more deeply coalesce our energies while keeping our focus firmly anchored and unified as we collectively progress in the group formation.
This review provides the intelligent understanding that progressive and monitored initiation is absolutely necessary in order to advance into expanded consciousness levels. This keeps our acceleration safely contained and prevents any potential misuse of power.
The profound changes we are all experiencing is essentially the result of Initiation’s Path.
Christ Consciousness is a Group Harmonic
When we evaluate our life and delve deeply into this area called “spiritual initiation” especially concerning this particular embodiment, we begin to realize that our unique experiences have never ever been about the individual self. All that we have and are enduring has to do with the necessary requirements to further the Group Plan in order to help the human race evolve.
In this grand synthesis process now occurring, our individuality, as we have lived it, is rapidly dissolving. As we come closer to actualizing Christ Consciousness, which is pure love from the group harmonic, we are placing less emphasis on the need for acknowledgement as an individual self expression. We find that individuality is another illusion, a minuscule reflection of our inclusivity within another more expansive umbrella
field of energy.
In essence, we are a conglomerate of the many monadic energies and aspects that comprise our family tree of life. Our personalities are not real. Our emotions, our minds, our bodies and our etheric natures are not real, merely instruments constantly changing. The only real, lasting substance is that part of our consciousness that pristinely vibrates to an all encompassing group tone.
It is to remember our origins from the stars and that we come from another timeline of no time… of eternal light. We do not have to strive to evolve. We are already evolved. We are pure and holy by our own true natures. It is to remember that we are part of a cosmic cast playing out our chosen roles in a grand play. Our script is to completely eradicate a karmic timeline so that no residue of negativity remains. We are preparing for the birth of a new star
and its avatar race.
Our mission, to be embodied in physical form, carries time coded programs within the DNA and is a brilliant manifestation of the Divine Plan… to insure our return. We are here and now on the Path of Initiation to cut the pathways of light to anchor a new timeline for the next civilization.
Of ourselves, we do nothing, it is the God within that does the works.
Definition of Initiation
Initiation is the result of a gradual expansion of consciousness, a process in which successive stages of unification take place. This involves the relinquishing of all separative reactions in a series of progressive renunciations. Initiation is the result not only of consciousness, but of
control and self mastery and the embodiment of Divine Love.
It is a new level of consciousness that is achieved and experienced as a result of right thought, action and resulting service which then allows us to work on a higher level of the spiral as we then move to the next phase of our evolution.
During this journey, we literally undergo a transfiguration of our entire body vehicle and its energy system on the path to freedom from the Earth’s third dimension and the pull of polarized matter. Holiness of character is the outcome of a great expansion of consciousness which we, ourselves, attain through our conscious commitment, dedication and endeavor on the Path.
All of our early initiations are over-lighted by members of the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy including the great host of Ascended Masters, those who have tread this Path before us. Our later initiations, as we advance into and beyond Christ Consciousness, are guided by our Monadic Source.
Creator of the Path of Initiation
Sanat Kumara is the great cosmic being who established the planetary Path of Initiation as the surest and most accelerated method for evolution from the Earth plane and its dimensionof duality.
Known as the One Initiator, Sanat Kumara has held the position of Planetary Logos and now Regent Lord of the World since the darkest hours of Earth’s history when human evolution lost all contact with the God Flame within and cosmic councils were considering Earth’s dissolution.
As a voluntary exile from planet Venus, he came to our laggard planet millions of years ago to sustain and guard the creation flame in the hearts of humanity until sufficient numbers would awaken to their true nature. He has kept the world together through his consciousness and it is his magnetic cohesive power of sustaining love that makes human evolution possible.
Undergoing Initiation
Our daily life is the backdrop of initiation and the gradual mastering of the self that brings about our control over matter. Due to the planetary quickening in this current closing of the cycles, initiation is also being taken in sleep state… during the dream reality and soul travel to the many etheric ashrams of higher learning.
The requirements upon the Path of Initiation have necessarily changed as the consciousness of collective Humanity has evolved. Unlike the past, we now have Divine Dispensation granting extra support from beyond the veil including intervention from a long list of cosmic beings and star nations who are encouraging the human race onward and upward.
We are greatly supported through Earths new energy grid system namely the planetary Crystalline Grid of Christ Consciousness which serves as an information highway for the exchange of higher light intelligence. We are also supported merely through the unified intention from the millions of embodied souls all undergoing planetary initiation at the same time!
Due to our many differences and varying life plans within the Earthly scheme, we each undergo our initiatory development in unique ways and processes. There are only guidelines and general summaries to each of the stages of initiation.
It is very common that these initiations are not exactly taken in consecutive steps, one after the other. Much is done in simultaneous unison, especially pertaining to the first three initiations.
The Initiations
Initiation comes naturally to any person who is expressing the desire to evolve their consciousness… to learn, to change, to grow, to understand life more fully.
There are five major planetary initiations leading into the culmination of Christ Consciousness. Each initiation represents a definite stage of integration reached by the initiate and each of the main five is a synthesis of many smaller ones. We move through all sub-levels to fully complete that initiation.
During the first three initiations, mastery of the three lower vehicles has to be attained and unwaveringly held before the further expansion of the initiate into the higher stages can be safely permitted. There is a great need for the purification of the bodily vehicles to allow the body to integrate higher levels of energy and light frequency.
These first three levels of initiation are referred to as the Probationary Path and are the main preparatory stages into Christ Consciousness. At the 4th initiation, the initiate has nothing remaining which resonates to the three worlds (physical, emotional, mental) of human evolution and begins the monadic absorption process. Our goal is achieved when, at the fifth
initiation, we stand as a liberated Master embodying the Christ Consciousness and in union with our Monadic Source.
There are a lot of developing skills associated with various stages of our development as a result of the opening of our energy centers and extra sense perceptions. Initiations can seem like exams which we are required to pass in order to ensure that we do not consciously or unconsciously misuse the revealing abilities.
The process of initiation is always in a cycle of perfecting no matter what stage we are accomplishing.
First Initiation
“Birth Initiation”
Mastery of the Physical Body
The physical body is the first to undergo purification. It is the result of the birth of the Christ Consciousness in the heart and orientation towards the spiritual life.
We are brought to the Path of Initiation, eventually, by our own soul, through the self contemplation process. Through this inquiry, the soul aligns itself with its vehicle, the human in incarnation. The Christ is born and the soul brings its energy to bear on its vehicles, until the person gradually becomes more soul-infused and eventually begins Initiation’s Path.
Taming the control of the Ego over the physical body will reach a high degree of attainment. The basics of the right kind of living thinking and self control are reached.
Bodily desires such as food, sleep, sexual impulses, drugs, additions and carnal desires do not control a person any longer. All of these will be in moderation, regulated, and under the control of the soul.
Some basic principles of God Consciousness also starts to rule the initiate.
The purity of loving motives and a spirit of goodwill will be demonstrated.
A new and more comprehensive and inclusive attitude to all beings will be shown, and the desire to serve will be strong. As a result of the control of the physical elemental, a greater creativeness will manifest itself. The lower centers are motivated and impelled by higher impulses.
There is recognition of our own shortcomings. The struggle to conform to the highest standard will be known, even though perfection may not be achieved.
Notes – Planetary Light Servers may witness many who show signs of having passed through the “birth” experience. Our responsibility is to help them toward a greater maturity. Giving the help and guidance will strengthen our mission in creating the one consciousness field which prepares the way for the return of Christ Consciousness on mass scale.
Most of the Planetary Light Servers have passed this stage of initiation. Third world races are generally still physically polarized, responding to the “herd instinct”. Their experiences reflect mass physical suffering, cruelty and lack of evolutionary understanding. It is through their suffering and the caring by the peoples and nations of the world that they will be raised.
Second Initiation
“The Purifying Baptism”
Mastery of the Astral/Emotional Body
The Second Initiation demonstrates control of the astral body or that of our emotions. It is said to be the longest and most difficult of all of the Initiations.
There is the realization of life problems, deep dissatisfaction and an agonizing realization of failure. There is a constant effort to “clear oneself”.
The sacrifice and death of desire from the controlling ego is the goal of this initiation. The lower nature is rapidly dying along with old attitudes, beliefs and desires.
It is a period of intense suffering, of seeing so much of the held glamour, fantasies and false ideals. This is the phase of what many experience as the “dark nights of the soul”.
The Second Initiation is related to great sacrifices, the death of negativity and negative desire. The initiate, enmeshed in these traps, is required to free himself from the emotional bondage.
Emotional energies gradually stop controlling and impacting the initiate and that all that remains of that charged aspect of our being is a sensitive response to all forms of life and a passionate aspiration to serve the race.
The way out of the muck and mire of emotion for the many is being greatly assisted through the Divine Feminine principle now sweeping across the planet, serving as the dispelling force to the energy of glamour on a world scale.
At the Second Initiation, we are granted a vision of a higher focus. Our place in the larger whole begins to be known. We long to serve, to love and to progress. Freedom is the keynote of the individual who is facing the Second Initiation and its aftermath and in preparation for the Third Initiation.
Notes – The astral vehicle is the most powerfully developed body of the human form. Most people are dominated by its action. The Master Djwhal Khul has written that the greatest service you can give to the world is to control the astral vehicle. The planet is being released from glamour to a great degree. The astral plane itself is being greatly lightened, instantly releasing mankind from its hold.
Third Initiation
“The Transfiguration”
Mastery of the Mental Body
Merging with the Soul
Just as the fogs of glamour on the astral plane have to be dissipated, so must the illusions of the mind be dissolved. The process from the Second to the Third Initiation is the control over the mind and releasing ourselves from its held illusions. We learn to control our mental vehicle.
It is the first real initiation, fromthe perspective of the Spiritual Hierarchy and is the one in which we demonstrate complete control of the personality body.
This is the great transfiguration when we become Divine, transitioning from an emotional aspirational focus to an intelligent, thinking focus.
The aim of all development is the awakening of the Divine Intuition. We become a soulinfused personality. This means that the soul, itself ,assumes the dominant position and not the egoistic vehicle.
The mind is very responsive to ideas, intuitions and impulses coming from soul and we begin to receive direct guidance from the Monad. Kundalini energy releases up the spine, third eye vision opens and the accumulation of spiritual knowledge is very fast.
When the physical body is pure, the emotions stable and steady, and the mental body controlled, the initiate can safely wield and wisely use the psychic faculties for the helping of the race. Not only can we use these faculties, but we are able to enliven thought forms that are clear and well defined, pulsating with the spirit of service and not controlled by lower mind or emotional desire.
We gain more understanding about the principles of God Consciousness.
We find that our greater Truth lies in another and higher dimension.
We are thinking in wider and more inclusive terms. The group begins to mean more to us than ourselves. We are identified with the soul, which is the one soul of all Humanity.
We become polarized on the higher mental plane for we no longer identify with our personal identity, old habits and interests of the world. We have lost all interest in worldly affairs other than our obligations and responsibilities.
Working entirely with detachment, we live in the world but are not of it.
We maintain total commitment to our personal mission in the Divine Plan and the realization of oneness with Humanity to which we dedicate our life in service.
The personality has now reached a point where its vibrations are of a very high order. It is now that we can be authentically and directly contacted by the Master for we are purified and controlled and can stand for the first time consciously vibrating to the ray of the Monad.
In this Third Initiation, many of us are working on the continued mastery of all of the three bodies now, constantly perfecting and refining.
The 3rd level initiate becomes aware of himself as the soul, with soul powers, soul relationships and soul purpose. Our consciousness now resides entirely with the group endeavor. We no longer have individual ambitions or individual interests, and are not at all interested in the aims of our personality.
Notes –
In the interim between the first three initiations, mastery of the three lower vehicles has to be attained and unwaveringly held before the further expansion of the initiate into the higher stages can be safely permitted.
This Third Initiation is a high stage of evolution yet it, too, comes with much pain, suffering and sacrifice. The initiate is more accepting, though, knowing that the Path is both the way of sacrifice and the way of inner peace. We stand steady with our feet on the ground and our lives are intelligently applied to service on every level.
Fourth Initiation
“The Crucifixion ~ The Great Renunciation”
Mastery of the Spiritual Self
Operating from the Buddhist Plane of Unity Consciousness
The Fourth Initiation is referred to as “The Crucifixion” due to the great renouncing of the material plane and all human attachments. We have laid all, including our perfected personality upon the altar of sacrifice.
All attachments are renounced including friends, money, reputation, character, family and even life itself.
The initiate has nothing remaining which resonates to the three worlds (physical, emotional, mental) of human evolution.
The needy bonds of human emotional love are transcended into Divine Love.
When we take the Fourth Initiation, we function upon the Buddhic Plane of Unity Consciousness, and have escaped permanently from the personality ring-pass-not.
All evolutionary development is based on the resolution of karma in our planetary system until we reach this Initiation.
This is the phase that we authentically enter into the “peace that passeth understanding”, leaving behind all suffering. All personal selfishness is transcended. There are no more sacrifices to be made.
We begin developing God Consciousness, the consciousness of the Monad, which is essentially the embodiment of the Group I AM Presence.
Also known as the Initiation of Monadic Absorption, the Fourth Initiation is the phase of total surrender to the Will of God and the Monad and releases the individual from the controls of the matter aspect.
Direct contact is actualized between the Monad and the transcended personality body. The antahkarana is built. These higher spiritual energies pour into and through us, radiating out to the purposed objectives of the Divine Plan.
The personality becomes a direct instrument of service under the direction of the Monad, which by-passes the soul. The soul then becomes redundant and is burned up, absorbed back into the Monad. The God force is our guide and teacher, not the soul.
Once we are in the absorption process, the Monad begins to enter the transcended personality body vehicle and consciousness, connecting through the heart chakra. We begin expressing more prominently the monadic ray of that Source Itself.
Spiritual training is intensified, and the accumulation of knowledge is rapid. It is in this phase that we are admitted into closer fellowship with the Councils of Light and contact with the building devas is more complete.
We grasp the laws of the three lower planes intellectually, and likewise wield them for the aiding of the planetary Divine Plan.
We develop multi-dimensional vision. We have direct experiences of oneness.
We can authentically and effectively command and wield the Sacred Fire.
We learn to direct the activities of the building devas and learn how to command the elements.
We become adept in the significance of geometry, color and sound.
We are in charge of large work, teaching many people, aiding simultaneously in many facets of the Divine Plan.
Our past experiences are discarded. The past has served its purpose, leaving us with masterful wisdom gleaned through the direct experience.
Notes –
The one that is referred to as Jesus the Christ came into the world as a human disciple and third degree accomplished Initiate. He did not have to take the first, second, or third initiations. He went directly into the assumption of the Fourth Initiation (the Crucifixion) and he went through it in full, physical fact.
This he did in order to dramatize the idea of renunciation and the significance of this phase of initiation which relinquishes all personal identification.
It is in the Fourth Initiation that we overcome the physical world of matter. It no longer has any lure. We can give up anything and everything, having died the death of our lower nature. Our entire human life is renounced for the higher God Self to emerge.
We finally have the purity of authentic power to bless and evolve the human race. This all leads us into our final and Fifth Initiation when we actualize the embodied Christ Consciousness.
Fifth Initiation
“The Resurrection”
Mastery over Matter
Merger with the Monad and Atmic Self
The Fifth Initiation is esoterically referred to as the Resurrection and demonstrates a total absence of any response to the pull of matter.
The Fifth Initiation is the point in development when our human self and Monad combine fully. Our personal will has become one with Divine Will.
The embodied Christ Consciousness is actualized and sustained as we completely return to the Monad and merge with the Group I AM while retaining a physical “light body” form.
This is the attainment of 5th dimensional consciousness which is characterized by the experience of absolute oneness.
We have full understanding that we are the Monad, a direct aspect of God-force, or God-Self; the I AM Presence, containing all individualized, multidimensional expressions of self. We know that the Monad is also another term for the Group Avatar, the Group I AM.
There is complete freedom from illusion. We understand and actualize our oneness with the Divine Plan.
We are resurrected which makes us Earth Plane Masters. We have mastered oneself and the lower nature, triumphing over matter.
We are free from law of karma.
We have developed such matery of thought that we no longer have unconscious negative desires. We are not even capable of having negative thoughts and all energy streaming from Source is consistently divinely qualified.
We have spiritualized our body and its energy system and no longer need to incarnate on the planetary body, except by choice, to serve the Divine Plan.
We are all working in cooperation as Masters of Wisdom. Divine Love and its Intelligence are now developed, radiating and ever expanding.
We are highly attuned and extra sensitive to a range of energies and influences due to our increasing monadic polarization and contact with the beings and Councils of Light overseeing Earth evolution.
Notes –
Resurrection is the emphasized goal for Humanity. This is the rising out of matter and into aspiritualized fifth dimensional consciousness. This essentially means that all people upon the new Earth body will be Divine-Humans and liberated Masters.
The Fifth Initiation is the definition of the I AM Race.
After the fifth initiation, the way of higher evolution is now a choice point in which higher initiations can be taken. The Sixth Initiation is that of Ascended Mastery and departure fromthe Earth plane.
(note: 6th initiation mandated departure from Earth plane shifted to the 7th initiation in 1999 and then increased again to 22nd initation in 2010 because of planetary frequency increases)
Source: This information is written from the direct experience of spiritual initiation.
Research, references and some adapted summaries are from the resources mentioned below:
Tiara Kumara, writing from the direct experience,
Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation,
The Teachings of Alice Bailey/Dhwal Kul,
Book: Initiation, Human and Solar, Lucis Publishing Company
Ascended Master Dr. Joshua David Stone
Represented on Earth by I AM University
With love and respect,
Gabriela (Gabriela Samadhi Tantra Nithyananda)