Binging & Other Unhealthy Food Habits Many People Share: 4 Tips To Start Eating More Consciously

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by Katrina Love Senn, Collective Evolution

Have you ever devoured a whole bag of cookies or crisps while you were feeling distracted, exhausted, or emotional? And then, completely forgotten what (or even if) you had eaten?

I know I have!

In the past, when I was feeling sick, stressed, and overweight, I would constantly find myself eating food throughout the day, just trying to get enough energy to keep myself going.

But all this changed when one day my body completely collapsed and I was intuitively guided to start my own healing journey.

It was on my healing path that I discovered the idea of eating consciously. Embracing mindful and conscious eating habits helped my attitude toward food and my body change for the better.

I healed my body of chronic health conditions including asthma, eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome, and adrenal exhaustion, among many others.

I also lost over 60 pounds naturally with no diets, drugs, or deprivation, and I have kept it off for well over 10 years now.

So What Exactly Is Conscious Eating?

Conscious Eating is a healing tool that you can use to become more mindful about what and how you eat. It allows you to become more aware of your own eating patterns and habits around food.

As you become more in tune with your own needs you can make better food choices for yourself, so that you can feel healthier, more vibrant, and inspired about food (and your life)!

Here are four healing tips to help you embrace a more conscious approach to eating. Use them to help you become more aware of your own habits around food.

Healing Tip #1: Before you eat, take a deep breath (and smile!)

To ensure that you are fully conscious while you are eating, it can be really helpful to take a moment, before you eat.

Think of it as a healthy habit that you want to do each time before you eat. All you need to do is take a nice, deep breath in and out, and then let yourself enjoy a big smile!

This will focus your brain on what you are doing, so you can be fully present to the food that is in front of you.

Healing Tip #2: Take time to express gratitude

Before eating, take a moment to express deep gratitude and appreciation for your food, as well as your bodies’ ability to taste, eat, and digest it.

Before I eat, I always like to give thanks to my food, as well as the many people who played a part in growing or preparing it.

As you express gratitude, take the time to really feel joyful and appreciative for each mouthful of food you eat.

Healing Tip #3: Remember that digestion starts in your mouth

When you eat, remember to chew your food well. As you do so, notice all the different kinds of textures and flavours of your food.

If you race through your meals, you may find that you eat too much and are left feeling bloated or uncomfortable afterwards.

But when you chew your food in a conscious way, it is much easier to know when you’ve eaten enough (and to stop before you’ve eaten too much!).

As you chew, you might even like to visualize and imagine your food being your fuel for optimal health, happiness, and vitality.

Healing Tip #4: Transform eating into a ‘Sacred Act’

One thing that I discovered on my healing journey was that eating can be transformed into a joyous, life-affirming, and Sacred Act.

Whenever you eat, sit down at a table. Allow yourself to really relax. If you eat while feeling calm and good, this can help reduce bloating and ease digestive issues.

If it’s possible, decorate your space with flowers or beautiful decorations, and take time to truly savour the whole experience of eating.

When eating becomes a Sacred Act, your food has the power to nourish, energize, and heal you from within.

To download the first chapter of Katrina’s book called, ‘Losing Weight is a Healing Journey’ for free please click here…
