The Birth of the New Human

TheFlashRon's picture

* with gratitude to Luca Ferretti for the Italian captions.

If you study the 12 spiritual layers of DNA, you will know that Layer 11 is the second of the divine God layers, and actually the most powerful force in the Universe, for it represents the compassion of all humanity, which is epitomized within the mother energy. It's an energy that isn't there unless the Human calls for it.

It is the layer activated with compassionate events on the planet, such as the death of Princess Diana, the tsunamis, or the 9/11 experiences. It softens the heart and opens both genders to common sense solutions and peaceful times. It is being stored up within you, but also controlled by Gaia. Together, it will be released when the shift needs it the most. This won't be a catastrophe, but the birth of a new energy.

* the information above is taken from Kryon Book Twelve "The Twelve Layers of DNA - An Esoteric Study of the Mastery Within" written by Lee Carroll. Permission is not required for me to quote from the book when I give credit to the publisher.

Credits: Platinum Publishing House - THE TWELVE LAYERS OF DNA. Copyright 2010

Know this, that a balanced male/female creates a balance human. A balance human is able to manifest. A balance human is able to learn her/his remaining life lessors in this life time. Blessed is the human being who understands this and begins the process.

And we have 18 more years to plant seeds of new energy. Let us use them well.

And together let us affirm:

I AM a New Human
I AM willing to Evolve
I AM a New Expression of the I AM
And so I AM

shared with love ...
Oribel Divine

Pls. visit Oribel Divine's official website:

Pls. visit Dana Weekley's official website:

Pls. visit Peggy Phoenix Dubro's official website:

Pls. visit Kryon's official website for description of "The Twelve Layers of DNA":