Blossom Goodchild
January 6th, 2017
Here is a touching Direct Voice channelling from THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT and WHITE CLOUD . It also includes Vibrational Sound Light Language to uplift and raise your Vibration . These sounds are embedded within us and when listened to ... help us to understand our individual purpose for Being here on Planet Earth at this time.
The very warmest of welcomes to those of you who are taking part in this Vibrational offering as the beginning of a new chapter emerges. Dearest friends, all around your globe you are to experience a different kind of Energy that shall be absorbed by your Being … into your Being … throughout your Being … which shall allow you, in turn, to feel the difference within yourselves as you rise into Higher Energies of Pure Love.
How this shall put smiles in your hearts and upon your faces and how this Love … this warmth … shall shine through your eyes to illuminate the hearts of others, as they look into the windows of your soul.