Blossom Goodchild -- September 8th, 2016's picture

Blossom Goodchild


September 8th, 2016
Good morning! I have recently been putting all your messages into yearly blocks for my new website. It would take me too long to read them all, although I feel I would like to take the time to do so, at some point! There sure is a lot there. I am reading bits, due to spelling, grammar corrections coming up etc. and as far back as 2008 … there we are … having the same kind of conversation as we do today. It made me smile and I wondered if we will still be having the same conversation in another 6 or so years’ time?
Greetings of warmest enthusiasm to you … in bringing forth this message of Peace. To read back on all that we have offered would indeed Enlighten your soul. As an ongoing /daily practise it would assist you in bringing ‘yourself’ forward.
I might look into it at some point. We sure have been on a long journey … hundreds and hundreds of pages of chat!
We are very much aware of all that has passed between us. Some messages with much humour, others with much frustration.
Yes. Yet, I am over all that stuff now. Our Trust has grown greatly.
Ours never once doubted.
Yet, you know mine did. Just for the need to seek the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth!
And this we have always given you. For Each One, whether they be new to our offerings, or whether they have followed alongside us since the beginning … we have embedded within the words … a sort of coding, which when ‘hit home’ by the souls depth of heart … allows the Purest recognition of the ‘self’ to resonate and understand. Sometimes, oft times, on a level that isn’t yet fully comprehended.
What do you mean by coding? For it seems rather straight forward in wording … most of the time.
 Blossom … All is not as it seems.
Now, where have I heard that before?