Breakthroughs a' happenin!

IAMTyler's picture

A lot of things have been coming together for me. Thanks to a recent post I finally realized how to just stop your mind and use your heart. It all came to me like I was hit in the head, my heart felt like a big crystal covered in static electrics on speed. When I centered and let it come to me I realized who I really am is the simplest version of everything I'm about, peace. I am supposed to help organize some type of council or sect of govt that has to do with keeping truth and harmony with the light and keeping it all smooth to prevent screw ups. The name Peacekeepers of Light came to me, sounds neat. I've never felt more compelled to do anything ever ha it's amazing. I hope more people start realizing their mission. Maybe it has to do with my job back home. Who knows. I decided that I've done enough figuring out for now <3 Good luck brothers and sisters. One love.


From an earth Ally Message

Lia's picture

Still waiting for the Others To Connect in, You know who you are!!! Ask your Angels to Direct you. This will not be like how your current government is set up, the titles we are giving are just reference points, as we will transform this into a Galactic Society, which will require no more labeling. We will use reference points for now to assist in understanding, this is how it is to be set UP. The Council will Consist of 12 Twin Flames Male/Female, which is 24 Elders, which are the Original Elohim, from the Celestial, with Father God and I Making up the 13th set, as advisors only.

 [Connect in Now please, Each of you Prior to this Incarnation received your Tasks for the Universal Government, we will not tell you what that is, you will have to discover this for yourself, and then come to Us, with your Participation..Your Angels know, Ask them.]

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!