~ Brilliant Heart Felt Speech from First Lady Michelle Obama~

Lia's picture

Published on Sep 4, 2012 by BigSupremeDaddy

On Tuesday night in Charlotte, North Carolina, Michelle Obama gave one of the finest speeches ever delivered at a national political convention. More important, it could have more impact on the immediate future of the country than her husband's celebrated 2004 keynote address to the Democratic National Convention in Boston. In short, Michelle Obama has redefined black women

Tuesday night, a woman with the singular American title of first lady may have opened a path for her husband back into the hearts of those who had such high hopes for his audacity.

Her speech tied the Obamas' personal stories directly to the lives of millions of voters struggling not to be the first generation of Americans unable to offer hope of greater opportunities to their children than they had, thus drawing a contrast with Mitt Romney as an unnamed but unmistakable caricature of privilege without shading her talk with negativity or animosity.

In fact the overall emotion, and there was far more real as opposed to rhetorical emotion than any speech at this level in memory, was a feeling rarely conveyed in our political language today -- love. The first lady's speech already has a place in the history books. But does it explain why it may actually change what will be written in them. Should that occur, it will be because almost for the first time in four years, she single-handedly brought Democrats to tears and to their feet at the idea of Barack Obama as president of the United States.

It will be up to him whether to choose change over comity when a leader cannot have both, and win the opportunity to give a second inaugural address that will be better than his first, as perhaps a second term may be more successful on more fronts than his first. For as Mrs. Obama reminded the nation Tuesday night, "Being president doesn't change who you are. ... It reveals who you are.

Michelle Obma delivered an intimate portrait of her marriage to President Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, saying he was the right man for America and remained "the same man I fell in love with all those years ago."

Headlining the convention's first night, the first lady said, "Barack knows the American Dream because he's lived it, and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who we are, or where we're from, or what we look like, or who we love."

She recalled watching her husband "in those quiet moments late at night, hunched over his desk," reading letters from people who said they were unable to pay their bills, or whose cancer treatment wasn't covered by their insurer, or whose opportunities didn't match their abilities.

"I see the concern in his eyes, and I hear the determination in his voice as he tells me, 'You won't believe what these folks are going through, Michelle. It's not right. We've got to keep working to fix this. We've got so much more to do.'"

She did not mention Mitt Romney by name in her speech, and didn't delve much into political rhetoric. Instead, she told her audience in Charlotte -- and millions of people watching on television -- the story of her life with the man who was raised by a single mother and became president.

Her story was repeatedly interrupted by wild applause from delegates at the Time Warner Cable Arena, and with chants of "Four more years."

Underlying her words was the message that Barack Obama - and the first lady herself - had endured the same kinds of struggles that ordinary Americans continue to face today: crippling student loans, a daunting mortgage, the anxiety of making a better life for their children.

Most important, she said, Obama had not lost the idealism or respect for hard work that was drilled into him by his mother and grandparents.

Hat Tip to: Gordon Stewart, CNN




blazinriver's picture

I'm a little confused here. The first lady speaks about when dating her husband as if he were this poor shlup with and beat up car. Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988.While as an associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989, he met his wife. He may have had a beat up car, but please don't insult our intelligence by insinuating he was just an average middle class guy.




Dear confused

astreia's picture

He's certainly better than Romney. And Harvard is VERY expensive! So he may have been driving a beat-up old car. He was raised by a single mother, remember, and probably had to take student loans just like the rest of us. No point in putting the guy down just because he's successful now.



Obama - It's time to WAKE UP Sheeple!

Guest's picture

Please, how many attrocities must Obama commit in front of the world before some people can move outside of their EGO and see him for what he is and what he represents...it's amazing how so many people still can't see the truth, i wonder what you will think as he's being hauled off to JAIL for crimes against humanity..


Obama...NO hope and NO change!


Ron Paul is the ONLY truth seeker in the pack of corporate leeches, he's been the same for the last 30 years and he still can't get through the system...do you REALLY belive that if Obama was "for the people" and not "for the corporations" that he would have had ANY CHANCE in getting within 1,000 miles near the presidency...c'mon pople, next you'll tell me that the voting system ISN'T rigged either...hmmm


It's okay to wake up and admit we were fooled, we were tricked and we all wanted to belive he would "save us"...well newsflash, the ONLY one who will save us is OURSELVES...make the effort and take a leap of faith, check his global bank accounts (and where the money came from) to see just how much he REALLY cares for "the people"


I'm not Obama bashing here, its just a fact, he is the puppet for the illuminati at the moment, that was his intended purpose and he has done all he was suppossed to do, then next puppet will step up (Romney) and continue the genocide unless we can all wake up to what is going on...its not hard, its not hidden, its just a little too scary for some of us to consider...i can understand this, but you know what, you cant change something you dont understand, so get up to speed, seek the truth (without ego)..and the world will change for the better very quickly.


Peace & Love


Work Within the System...Change is In the AIR

Service Worker's picture

Yes Ron Paul is the Best Choice....but are there enough of us who will simply write him in?


There are many behind the scene forces that we are unaware of uplifting and supporting the divine decree for a better world.   


We are here to shed light on a corrupt system yes, but we want to work within that system. A complete overhaul would be very disruptive to people's psyches.  Yes, it is needed.  We are here to use our voice to wake people from a system that didn't serve their highest good. Maybe just maybe the Obama's are part of that plan?  Even though they appear to you to be so influenced by other intentions.


Thank you JC and other fellow freedom fighters for being that voice for truth.  Ron Paul and his message are where its at.  But are you honestly aware of every motivation, intention, and the heart of these people who are holding office now?  They are working within some giant power structures/matrix to affect change.  They are courageous beyond belief.


And even if the OBAMAS themselves are not fully aware of their role in this grand unfolding of good...our role is to support the unfoldment...in whatever form that manifests <3


Love and Light <3




Ron Paul

astreia's picture

Ron Paul was not nominated. I know someone who is going to write in Jill Stein. There are many people who are thinking they might not vote at all. The electoral college doesn't always follow the will of the people. It's frustrating, I know. And so is the waiting. This One Speaking is going to vote.


Who is this "I"...?

Guest's picture

Dear JC,

Who is this "I" you keep referring to??? Your whole message is egoist based! Talking the talk is one thing, walking the walk is another....

There is no opposition or disagreement with the intent of your message, but the delivery will get us no where. The change you speak of, might be best directed introspectively, where a self investigate energetic can evolk an ascended perspective... And then your light/example might inspire others to follow.

Ranting from a 3D egoist level is old... What might your message sound like from a 4D or 5D perspective?

Waking up

astreia's picture

Waking up is good. Calling me one of the sheeple is insulting. Please do not call me that anymore. Thank you.


Obama - It's time to WAKE UP Sheeple!

Guest's picture

Please, how many attrocities must Obama commit in front of the world before some people can move outside of their EGO and see him for what he is and what he represents...it's amazing how so many people still can't see the truth, i wonder what you will think as he's being hauled off to JAIL for crimes against humanity..


Obama...NO hope and NO change!


Ron Paul is the ONLY truth seeker in the pack of corporate leeches, he's been the same for the last 30 years and he still can't get through the system...do you REALLY belive that if Obama was "for the people" and not "for the corporations" that he would have had ANY CHANCE in getting within 1,000 miles near the presidency...c'mon pople, next you'll tell me that the voting system ISN'T rigged either...hmmm


It's okay to wake up and admit we were fooled, we were tricked and we all wanted to belive he would "save us"...well newsflash, the ONLY one who will save us is OURSELVES...make the effort and take a leap of faith, check his global bank accounts (and where the money came from) to see just how much he REALLY cares for "the people"


I'm not Obama bashing here, its just a fact, he is the puppet for the illuminati at the moment, that was his intended purpose and he has done all he was suppossed to do, then next puppet will step up (Romney) and continue the genocide unless we can all wake up to what is going on...its not hard, its not hidden, its just a little too scary for some of us to consider...i can understand this, but you know what, you cant change something you dont understand, so get up to speed, seek the truth (without ego)..and the world will change for the better very quickly.


Peace & Love


I'm a big one for

S&#039;hauni Waterdragon's picture

I'm a big one for fact-checking... could I please have a link or a references to your sources so I can check the Obama's global bank account and where the money came from?


Thank you. :)


Love and light,


S'hauni Waterdragon

Thank you! Well said JC..

Love Life's picture

Thank you! Well said JC.. Couldn't of said it any better! At least some of us have truly unplugged ourselves from the matrix and seeing what the hell is going on here.

In the interest of truth,

S&#039;hauni Waterdragon's picture

In the interest of truth, perhaps you can give us some facts on how much Obama was making as an associate and how much he was paying at the time for his education at Harvard?  Michelle did not say they were poor; she said they were "in love, and in debt".  I know Obama used to pick her up and take her for ice cream.  They sound like a typical young American couple to me. :)  Blessed be!

Evil's ways ..a strong possibility .

Guest's picture

Evil shapeshifts to deceive , Samurai jack episode 6 ...right after it i saw the michelle obama speech ...for the sake of national safety don't trust her ;| This is the oldest trick in the book ...REMEMBER KONY 2012 ? TARGETTING YOUR DEAREST FEELINGS SO THAT THEY CAN ENTER AFRICA AND USE AFRICA'S RESOURCES ???...What makes you think Michelle is not using the same trick ?! Critical thinking doesn't mean refraining from spirituality . Have a reality check my friends .

Evil resides in the mind...

Guest's picture

Has anyone ever noticed the abundance of evil conspiracy theories there are these days on the web? Heck, even on Galactic Free Press there are a number of these reports taking place full of "drama", gossip, and OMG stories.

The gift in even bothering to read this type of commentary, is to recognize that we too at one time were easily hooked into this type of crap. But that was long ago before we finally learned to transcend the illusion of our egoist conditioning.

How different it is now for us to "Trust" our 'feelings' and have created the space to be able to listen to our intuition and follow that guidance. To have compassion for those who are still stuck in their anger and self imposed mental hell. To detach from this old reality and keep ourselves available for the new...

We are the ones we have been waiting for.....

Evil conspiracy theories

astreia's picture

I think a lot of this "they are evil" stuff is coming up because of the election. A lot of mud-slinging is going on, and this time it is not just on TV, it is in the churches, in the trenches, causing arguments amongst friends and among strangers online.

And I think we all sense intuitively that this election is particularly important.

Bringing race into the mix is not a great idea. But "they", whoever "they" are, are bringing race-and-religion into this as if that were what matters. Let's all not fall for that.

Thank you Guest, for suggesting that we "have compassion for those who are still stuck in their anger..." I found myself stuck in anger last night when the neighbors had a big teenager party that started at ten and lasted till 2 in the morning. I had to work very hard to calm myself down and remind myself that I went to late parties when I was that age... and probably will again, in 5D, but there it won't bother the neighbors. Telepathic music, telepathic laughter, telepathic love.... no one standing in the parking lot screaming just for the fun of it (whoops, my anger is apparently not completely gone)...<wink?




Angry black woman

Guest's picture

Angry black woman personified.


If you look into the history of the Obamas...they definately are no friends of America.


They are definately followers of marx and/or communism. If thats what you want...you will have it with them.


I am glad to say i vote for Ron Paul since 2008. Even though i know he wouldnt be allowed to win.




Your Mirror...

Guest's picture

My Friend,

Your assessment of 'anger' is demonstrative of your own anger... Your judgement of Marx and/or communism again reflects a deep seeded fear which demonstrates an attachment/fixation to an egoist agenda and illusion which unfortunately affects too many of the collective within this wounderful country. Please know my Heart is with you.... And hopefully one day soon you might wake-up and transcend this crap so we might begin the work towards Unity, Oneness, and Equality together.

Agreed, Ron Paul is a wonderful man whom unfortunately the GOP has shunned. His insights and perspectives will hopefully remain valid and even integrated into our community no matter who wins this election. This is entirely possible! If only we can evolve beyond the third dimensional egoist BS resulting in violent opposition to one another, and "allow" our democracy and cooperation to function freely.

Unfortunately too few, such as yourself, may understand this perspective and invitation... <3 to you.

Our Leaders are Sales People ..What are they selling ?

Aashna's picture

It's Amazing.. The same tricks for centuries. Idealsim for Hard Work . Sure. Hard work for who A manipulating Banking Group that steals your wealth and Abundance that Steals you from your Children.your Freedom to do what you love  Hard work is great if it services the light and your family But you should enjoy it it should be your passion not and endless chore to support your children in debt . This is such and old way of thinking This a State program of thinking  People that align themselves to this political system forever amaze me. Manipulation at it's finest.


Having said that love to all beings even the one's , that know not what they do. Surely the light will let you see, the truth. If you look for it. Soon this will all change and the manipulation will be over. I choose not to defend anything that doesn;t defend the light. Use decernment, Unconditional love, switch off these program's, don;t listen to me though listen to your heart. I'm sick of the marketing games, These Sales People , Like a Infomercial That's what this is clearly to me. tell you what they think you want to hear. Be Aware. Love you all.



There is no "better than Romney" because this system is flawed. That's exactley what the goal is..  there the Same. I hear all the time lightworkers getting sucked up in this Mind game. Obama could easily just come out and say our system is corrupt give us disclosure about anything in a heartbeat With No Fear. regardless of pain of death  A lightworker would do that, I would do that for I'm an eternal spirit having a human experience For the betterment of the human race, A lightworker would expose the flawed system, the Truth. Not sign off on death warrents to people. Someone say egomaniac's


Only leader i follow is my Heart, The creator and Gaia.


Thank you all

Uconditional Love to you all

Me '



Quote of the Day   " you can lead an Ass to wisdom but you can't make them think"

                                Robert Anton Wilson




lol quote of the day

astreia's picture

I love your ending quote of the day. But I enjoy the writings of Dorothy Parker, and I think you - or Mr. Wilson - edited one word there to keep things clean? Her original statement was a bit racy...

Yes, a Christed Being will bring announcements and disclosures. When it is time.

And yes, even though politicians tend to be puppetish, in my opinion Obama is better for us than Romney. Romney won't even disclose his own financial status and the taxes he didn't pay.And his continuing corporate interests...and his vice presidential pick who does not understand even the basics of human anatomy... I don't mean to tick anyone off here. They each have a role in the shadow play.

And I, like you, look forward to the day when the shadow play ends and we ascend.

Blessings, friend,




Dearest Astreia

Aashna's picture

Thank you sooooo much for your reply,


I hear what your saying... I remember when Obama got elected. Tears where rolling down my Cheecks, I was elated. Finaly i thought. I'm not even an American. I only visited there once many years ago. I felt my higher self rejoicing at the fact. So dont get me wrong. I still have a feeling of how important he is. Although i dont know why??.. And the energy and evolution of my BEing has come miles in these last few years. As everyone's has. I feel, no, I know we are here. Humanities time has come. and to be honest, I know Obama would be far far far better than Romney. I mean wow my entire being see's through Romney for what he is. as I'm sure evryone does. So I agree with you totally. Im just saying "it's up to us, everyone of us. The truth is setting us free". We are doing it, all of us, not one man. And i pray everyday for us all. I know WE are making the difference , WE are truth, It;s all part of the divine plan. So i  gratefully thank all that has happened to get us to this point. as you know as i know as everyone knows even if there not aware. I love these time's Im so gratefull to be here to witness it all.


Everyones opinion is valid. There is no wrong. To all the other comments ive read. You are all beautiful and in YOUR OWN TRUTH on your own journey. so don't accept anyone's else's version.  or comments of ego so forth. people cant tell you what's real for you , you must find it thats why your here. People seem to get messed up in 3D 4D 5D. your thought;s are in this dimension and so forth. BE in all D sure this experience of yourself is in 3D but other parts of your BEings are there to. Think about it is your higher self In 3D ....


.My opinion (sunject to change) hahaha as is does constantly, wich seems healthy to me...WE have LOVE WE have LIGHT




Love to all BEings


May the blessings be


Quote of the day ..... People were created to be Loved. Things were created to be used.

                                 The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being loved                                  and people are being used.

While Ron Paul is a very fine

S&#039;hauni Waterdragon's picture

While Ron Paul is a very fine man, and I agree with his position on the economy and the wars, he is also anti-choice and anti-gay.  His extremism is not palatable for the main stream.  It saddens me to see some people criticizing the candidates through emotional response.  I thought perhaps here, a place where light gathers, there would be less judgement and more illumination, but I guess we all still have some work to do.  I choose to support the Obamas, and the Democrat Party in this election, through personal meditation and diligent research.  I do not accept being referred to as a "sheeple" because someone has a different opinion than I do.  I forgive you.


While we still have one foot in the 3rd dimension, we can choose to assist in helping those who will stay on this plane for the foreseeable future, by ignoring the media and subsequent proproganda, consulting with our own inner truth, and supporting those who we believe will make the best choices for our country and our planet to go forward.  One party supports Green Energy and one party supports Big Oil.  For me, the choice is very clear.  The individual players will come and go, but the collective agenda for us all will go on.  Think Big Picture.


Love and light,


S'hauni Waterdragon

Witches for Obama

Trust Yourself


Thank you, S'hauni

astreia's picture

I particularly like this comment:

"The individual players will come and go, but the collective agenda for us all will go on.  Think Big Picture."

To me, politics is all a shadow play, but it does matter who wins - as you said, for the sake of the planet, our dear Mother.

Blessings - or should I say "blessed be"?



Something needs to be said

blazinriver's picture

Something needs to be said. Yes the speech by the First Lady was elegant. I hope she wrote it. But by posting this speech here clearly puts out a signal the the GFP is pro Obama. Which is fine if for the right reasons. I read a couple of reports from on high for the need of President Obama to stay in office to further disclosure. Not because of anything he has done or "may" do. But because to make a huge change now would only undo to many things that have been put in place for disclosure. Now as it is this posting has only served to polarize lightworkers. I think GFP needs to make a clear statement on this issue.





Dear blazinriver

astreia's picture

I think it has been clear for a long time that many of us here are "pro-Obama". That doesn't mean "everyone must be", because each of us has free will and is entitled to an opinion of their own. We are not a "cult" here.

A Republican friend said that she thought the Republican national committee was "all about love." I watched some of it, and for me it didn't ring true. I thought it was all about acting.

But with the DNC, I really felt the love. That's just me. I would rather have the Obamas in office because my heart feels that they are sincere. My heart feels that the Romney/Ryan show is a distraction from what they would really do if they were in office. That is what my heart feels.

I was surprised to hear that you felt the post was "polarizing", but if you meant that we have to take sides, well, most of us want to take one side or another anyway, just because we are human and living in duality. Except for those who are interested in the big event and not in the shadow play. The big event being, as you pointed out, diclosure and ascension.

It's true that no candidate is perfect. But it is also true, as you said, that changing administrataions in the US at this time would make it harder for disclosure to take place. During Abraham Lincoln's run for re-election, his campaign slogan (or one of them anyway) was "Don't change horses in the middle of the stream." From phrases.org.uk:

Don't change horses in midstream


don't change horses in mid-streamDon't change your leader or your basic position when part-way through a campaign or a project .


From an 1864 speech by Abraham Lincoln, in reply to Delegation from the National Union League who were urging him to be their presidential candidate. 'An old Dutch farmer, who remarked to a companion once that it was not best to swap horses when crossing streams." Abraham Lincoln was elected the first Republican president, and another party wanted him to switch to them. So it was a little bit different, but he stayed Republican and won his second term by a landslide. He was a "moderate Republican" and back then the term "Republican" meant something different from what it means now. There were many parties then, including the  "know-nothings," who were very important during the civil war.

If you look at the site, there is a link to "proverbs". These are not biblical proverbs, they are old sayings that go way back and could each be researched to find their origin. One of them popped right out at me:

"Bad money drives out good."



Not Clear

blazinriver's picture


Dear Astreia,
   Your opening statement got my attention, and I quote,"I think it has been clear for a long time that many of us here are "pro-Obama". Unless you have been a member under a different name you have only been a member  for 7 weeks. That is a red flag to me right from the start. I myself have only been a member for 5 and only have been wakened for about 3 months. So I am very knew to all of this.
   That being said, it is my understanding that the governments of the world are being controlled by a select few. With 12-21-2012 so near it seems, at least to me, that any political ties or any ties to the 3D is irrelevant. This site DID post the message clearly stating that the Federation in no way is promoting President Obama. Which I commend them for doing.  
   I'm not sure if you took the time to read the comments , but more than a few were somewhat hateful. Which serves no purpose except for fulfilling soul contracts. You go on to say,and I quote,"I was surprised to hear that you felt the post was "polarizing", but if you meant that we have to take sides, well, most of us want to take one side or another anyway, just because we are human and living in duality. Except for those who are interested in the big event and not in the shadow play. The big event being, as you pointed out, disclosure and ascension." I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say here. If a person goes to the poles to vote for the candidate that will best serve humanity i.e. Ascension, then yes by all means vote for President Obama. But if one is going to further political gains for one party or the other then I have missed the whole point of why we are here.
   I do respect your point of view and your right to voice it.

Time and travails

astreia's picture


OK, I didn't realize how new I am here. So that's fine, I guess I'm still a newbie. But time feels different to me from how it feels to many other people, and I've always felt that time is somewhat elastic.

I certainly did not mean to imply that I was in favor of "furthering political gains for one party or the other." I believe that all that is going to swirl away. But I really do believe that ascension of our planet and ourselves will happen sooner if Obama is elected, because I believe that Obama is sincerely trying to help. I believe that Obama knows what's going on. I do not like Romney's oligarchical economic plans. I also do not like Ryan's economic plan, which is apparently the same as Romney's. Obama's smile looks sincere to me; Romney and Ryan always look like they are smirking. I believe that Romney and Ryan serve those select few who control the governments of the world. That's my heartfelt opinion. I am not speaking for the GFP, I am speaking for myself.

If you watch the "nuns on the bus" video on the right side of this page, you will understand my view more clearly. Although I am not catholic, those nuns really know what's going on! We are all one and we need to take care of each other.

I am glad that you respect my right to express my views and I extend the same courtesy to you.

Blessings, Astreia


Julia Cosby's picture

To hear the first lady speak hits a part of my soul that I can identify with. Me having two great parents who was blessed with six kids who did not have much but  we always had food on the table.  Looking back I see how proud my parents were and to the end my mother showed her unconditional love for all of us. They  both left their human vessels but I know they are surrounding me in spirit. We are living an illusion to experience life and learn our lessons. When we are face with choices from our experience we should make the good choice the right way to gain knowledge and wisdom. Thats why we are here on Earth. Earth is a training school.  What I hear in Michele Obamas speech is the experience, the lessons, the wisdom and knowledge she has gained within her first four years and I am Proud of her. Dear family it is time to open up your hearts to the President and his family and the only choice this should be is LOVE. We are all in this illusion together experiencing and learning and if you can  I hope you will understand that there is no right or wrong, black or white it is all an EXPERIENCE.  It is time to come together and LOVE. Please awaken to this fact so that our future will be bright. We are moving into a new age. What will be your choice?  LOVE or HATE?. 





                                                     WE ARE ONE!!


Love & Light




Four More Years?

ellion's picture

Thanks for posting Michelle's talk MotherFatherGod. 


It was heartfelt and dynamic, but then again the entire DNC was!  I watched both the RNC and DNC and the difference was so clear!  Love dominated in a big way... :)

Love and Peace,







Love Is All