This is an e-mail response by me to a very good old friend that seems not in resonance with my belief in the ETs and what they teach us through channels, being very critical of me about this to her, incredulous possibility.
Dearest friend of the latest 27 earth years, I don't recall the year, around 1985ish, right, and who knows how many previous visits to earth or our Home plants or ships we lived on together?
Because I have been blessed with full days to do what ever I wish, I have chosen several activities that attract my interest the most. The most important to me as you must know is Meditation. Another is to keep up with what the alleged channels/channelers among others standard humans etc are providing for those who are either gullible enough to adhere to or have an ear to hear it or both. As far as gullible, aren't we all? NO, some of us would say to that as many don't believe in anything until it's in their face, "I'll believe it when I see it." theyt say. Personally I believe there is great possibilities in the reverse of this statement.
However, not wanting to be in the category of gullible or one that may follow Hitler, Jim Jones, Harold Camping or Hell-Bopp and the Comets and their minions where ever they may lead, or the alleged channels of information that who knows what could be behind it all? I certainly don't want to think that I'm being corralled into FEMA camps by the cable. Where does one get valid information in the times we are in? I suggest what the channels suggest for any timelines we are in, and the most admirable wisdom I have to date ever heard, get fixed in the heart. But also in the times we are in we have been taught that sites like Wikipedia, the bible, main stream media or there church are the gospel and where the truth of what is taking place on earth is on for us everyday all day long. Giving your aledgence to these source is much more likely to place one in the gullible catagory. For further reference on this subject, see the movie "They Live."
As you know some ones continually suggest for me to watch TV so I can stay up with "what's happening." I am confident that our TVs and much if not most of what is on them are not teaching us the truth. As a matter of fact, I have witnessed them giving us invalid information since at least back to 1963, recall the news of that year's main event, recall what took place then? Now after another million and one times of non-authentic information VIA this form of communication to the masses, I have chosen to utilize the "normal medias" only for the purpose of edification to myself on what is the opposites of what they say and carefully read between the lines as to ascertain what may be behind their conditioning words. Who conducts and edits them? Who it is that runs your mainstream banks, food, travel, energy, education, religion, medical, drugs and all other major business industries, I should hope that by now you are quite aware of who??
And what else to learn there? How about letting the children watch the Three Stooges, Micky mouse or the road runner beating on one other, oh that's just innocent fun, right? This is why you get called to school to see the Principle there, and what do they suggest? Ritalin for the kid and prosaic for him as he grows into their society. Yes drugs for a child. Just drug em and let them deal with truth later if they can ever happen to find it. Desperate Housewives, please, Aliens taking over the planet etc. no not I, but thanks for suggesting that "I should turn on the box get with the "real world."
I was recently ask if I would like to join a group of people that wish to keep the non-mainstream media in good context. To at least the degree where we are all informed on who's who and which ones have the authentic information as best as we can dicipher it. I said, I'm all in on that, where do I sign?
So to answer your question. If you created a planet and placed an agreement that the incarnates there will have free will, would you intervene each time they need mommy and remove your own clause, your own cosmic law? You must know the Star People exist, there are signs in every country of them and under the sea, with our latest tech, we are finding under water cities now monthly if not weekly. Who on "Earth" are placing the crop circles? Not us, we don't have the tech to duplicate them and especially put them down in seconds. We can barely interpret them.
One of these countries is the one you're in that you were likely in as Atlantian or Lemurian, what we now call the USA? One is your favorite country Ireland, which I am 99% certain that you have lived in more than one visit to Earth. The reason I mentioned to you that I have been blessed with time on my side is to make sure that you know that one of my top priorities is to derive as much information on what is taking place on our plant as possible for future reference as to share.
Behind the scenes it is claimed that our sky Allies are doing all they can for us to the degree that they are allowed and letting us to be in charge, or more at take charge of our own given planet, which is what we have been "occupying." now. We can't graduate the class with someone else doing our "home" work. And I even believe that they are the ones that gave it to us and or at the least piloted the initiation of our first arrival here.
If daddy goes to the school and beats up the bully that beat you up, then the bully kids daddy, the teacher, principle and the law. If our Allies came down and removed all the bad guys prematurely we would have no one to make us or keep us strong enough to maintain ourselves against the bullies of our own future. So "Daddy" is teaching us how to overcome the bully for our own strength of character. "Wax-on, wax-off" Daniel-son.