~Calling All Light Workers~ LOVE REPORTER~CindySue Bridges~

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~Calling All Light Workers~

LOVE REPORTER~CindySue Bridges~

~June 10th 2011

We have been hearing about all the changes taking place, the events to possibly come, and how the light workers are the keys to a successful transition to the new dimension that will reflect our new world. Many of the light workers ask, “What can I do?” And there are so many things that can be done, so I would like to go over some things for consideration.

If we were to look at all of the issues and challenges humanity is faced with in these times and times of the past that have led to the negativities of today, there is only one conclusion that I see that can begin to add to the positive energies that the light workers are working for. We need to all pitch in and start to address them starting in the smallest of ways. As we look at just a tiny portion of issues, there is homelessness, a drug war, sexual abuse and domestic violence, what others can you think of? Write them down, now take this list and put a star next to the ones that fire a passion in you to make a change or to express your light toward. Now this is what you can do, taking one of the issues, let’s say homelessness, look up all the area organizations that serve to help this issue, non-profit, government agencies, even churches, ask questions learning what they are doing to help, then if nothing fires under you for ideas to assist, ask, “What can I do to help”. I can guarantee you that if more and more people were to address issues involving people in our own community, this will create a shift.

Let’s look at the current disasters that have been happening, like the f5 tornado in Missouri, when a natural disaster or even man-made disaster happens like 911, it affects a larger number of people forcing everyone to come together and do what they can to assist, and when looking at that, we see healing and rebuilding with this effort. When we look at negative worldwide problems that are spread out, many are used to closing their doors and hoping the government will fix it. This is where the light workers come in, the problems are not always going to fall in our laps we need to reach out, so do your homework and find out what more we can do in whatever area we feel moved to assist, then we can shift these energies more swiftly knowing we are assisting in the WHOLE process!

Love, Light and Blessings

CindySue Bridges