Cancer free! This excellent news has just been recieved from one of our cancer suffering friends
" Last Thursday my wife and I attended the appointment with my Oncologist and he first commented on how well and healthy I looked, he seemed particulary pleased that I had put some weight on
After reading through my file he said “the hotspots have reduced further on both sides” we queried him and he answered “ Yes, they're no longer showing up on the CT scan!” again we sought clarification “Yes I'm sure”.
" Last Thursday my wife and I attended the appointment with my Oncologist and he first commented on how well and healthy I looked, he seemed particulary pleased that I had put some weight on
After reading through my file he said “the hotspots have reduced further on both sides” we queried him and he answered “ Yes, they're no longer showing up on the CT scan!” again we sought clarification “Yes I'm sure”.
He showed us the scans on his PC and he started to read out various test results and my wife asked him to speak in plain language, despite this request he continued with the medical jargon and again had to be told to speak plainly.
My wife finally lost patience and asked him bluntly “if there are no hotspots showing anywhere does that mean he no longer has cancer?”, after a moments contemplation he answered “at this moment in time, you are cancer free”
I thought I’d misheard, “Sorry what was that?” My wife could see my confusion and she said “You're cancer free love” I was in a total head spin! I couldn’t believe it, I was overwhelmed by feelings and I was welling up.
Due to the shock, I just sat there, I couldn’t take it all in and it was up to my wife to ask the Oncologist “Well, what happened?”
“It's the surgery” the Doctor said. My wife responded saying that the surgery was many months ago and that the operation was on my left lung, there was no operation on the right lung.
My wife is a very determined lady so she kept pressing, “So again, how come he’s now cancer free?, it isn’t down to any surgery”
This Doctor has been against my use of the cannabis oil since I started on it a few months ago and every time I’ve brought the subject up he’s never wanted to discuss it but I was still shocked when he said “ Well in my professional opinion it's down to surgery”
My wife and I both knew what had got rid of the cancer and it wasn’t surgery but the doctor was making it quite clear that we were at the end of our appointment so we left, my parting words were “Cannabinoids, research them”
The oil has helped me so much, it has saved my life and if that isn’t amazing enough there have been other positive effects. I used to suffer terribly with anxiety and with the oil I am not anxious at all, it’s enabled me to be relaxed in busy public places which is something that doesn’t normally happen
I’d also say that I feel more ‘balanced’ it’s enabled me to put on weight, I had fantastic pain relief and it solved my insomnia, it’s amazing
Yet despite all this my Oncologist isn’t interested, I feel totally let down by him and his attitude, he wasn’t pleased or excited by my results and infact he appeared lost and out of his depth. This was also the first time I’d seen him without a Nurse present, it’s never happened before, was he deliberately keeping the Nurse away from what I had to say?
I am going to request copies of my scans and test reults and I'll give copies to Jeff
I've been reading up about the new strains of cannabis that are high in CBD, I'm still learning new things everyday about cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system, it’s a fascinating plant
The oil I was given was high in THC and 60 grams of this oil cured my lung cancer, I knew the oil was mostly THC because the first few doses felt quite ‘trippy’ with some mild psychedelic moments. I’ve never actually felt a highness like that before just from cannabis, it seemed more like LSD or mushrooms but it was all very positive and I feel that it was an important part of my cure. I don’t want to sound evangelical or too over the top but the highs helped me find the real me and they really lifted my depression
My father in law (who lost his wife to bowel cancer) has very kindly funded a family trip to Spain and we are looking forward to seeing him and some Sun, I'm hoping to meet up with one of my guardian angels, Jeff Ditchfield. I'm going to give him the biggest man hug he's ever had! If I had millions of pounds, then this man and the people he works with would be sorted for life!
Money to me now, is just paper, that pays the bills. Life is so much more than that now!
I also want to thank my wife, who is my rock. She's seen me sit in every corner of our home crying and now she sees me with the kids, helping around the home, even cut the lawn! It's time for her now
I would also like to thank you guys for reading and sending me positive vibes, this along with a complete diet change has been a huge factor too!
I'm going to sing off now, again, thank you so so much
I am so happy for you!
Love and Light, d'tewa
Enjoy your Life
You are one of many that will find in using your very own gut sensory 3rd chakra that Dr.s today are trying to get fast cash and Cancer being a big business they can be lost all they want for after using the SourSop /Graviola 750
I too have become one that No Cancer has been notied in your last Pet Scan and wheather they believe it was your method of doing it naturally has no revlence on your situation
It's gone and it was due to you using marajuana its a known fact
as the SourSop being from the rainforest and it has kept the Natives very well healthy with their immune sysytem in check for eons
Save all your paperwork and do your homework Miracles come in small baskets ~
Blessed be Loven'Light glendaj
Congratulations !!! I am so
Congratulations !!! I am so happy for you , Very captivating , you are a true warrior sir!
Cannibis Oil - where do you get it?
I have Ovarian cancer and a small mass on my liver. I have been trying to find Cannibis Oil with high THC and cannot find it anywhere. Where did you get yours? I would really appreciate your help. It could save my life. Blessings.
Not sure where you live, but
Not sure where you live, but here in California you can get a prescription, and then get it from a dispensary.
Here's your info
Jeff asked to give here to see if he's able to help you
Thank you for sharing this info with us. I will be paying it forward! love and Light, I AM that I AM