Carl Boudreau ~ The Astrology Of March 2013 ~

Lia's picture

The key phrases in February were 'break with the past' and 'defy authority.' In March, the key phrase is 'an end to the standoff.' The philosophical and ideological tug of war that has prevented real progress will end. The boundaries between opposing sides will dissolve. The tension will dissipate. The result will be progress, but, at first, chaotic progress, probably.

The energetic emphasis is on relationships, again. This time, it's all about the financial and economic aspects of our relationships. We will make changes in all of our key ties so as to maximize our chances of success. In some cases, this could get very messy. In almost all cases, success will requite that we change our ideas, including some of our favorite ideas.

In the complex interactions that follow, people will feel inclined, on the one hand, to go for the jugular, and, on the other, to respond very defensively. Which ever side of that equation you find yourself on, and you could end up on both sides at different times, don't overreact. Don't be mean, to yourself or others.