Carl Boudreau ~The Astrology of May 2013

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The Astrology of May 2013

 High Voltage Politics: Disclaimer

However, by now, after years of continuous intense astrological activity, every area of our lives is supercharged with transformative and disruptive energies. Each month seems to initiate processes that will take years to completely unfold; strata upon strata of transformative processes are unfolding simultaneously, each person and each nation responding according to their nature, adding to the appearance of chaos.
It’s as if the transformative process has encompassed every area and facet of our lives. Everything is in transformative motion at once. As a result, there is turbulence everywhere we look and it masks the underlying meaning and direction of events.The main focus of events in any given month can be completely obscured by the overall turbulence.
I will continue to focus on the chief astrological narrative line, but acknowledge that it might be hard to discern that line in what is becoming the chaos of contemporary global events.
On the other hand, these charts remind us that the world is not descending into chaos. There is a fundamental, underlying pattern in world events and they have a direction.
Recap of April 2013

In April, a major stellium in the 6th house brought a release of difficult energies in the workplace and wherever people exchange goods and services for cash.

Early in April, labor issues were in the foreground. Fast Food workers in the New York area carried out an unusual and courageous strike for higher pay. Several hundred service workers struck in the Chicago area later in April. Obama’s nominee for Labor Secretary came up for consideration.
A Lunar eclipse, the first of three eclipses in April and May, occurred on April 25th. It coincided with a number of violent, catastrophic events. I believe the approach of hard aspects that will be exact in May also helped determine these events.
These violent and tragic events in the third week of April overshadowed April’s overall emphasis on workplace issues. However, at least one of these events, the catastrophic explosion of a fertilizer plant near Waco, TX, was, essentially, a workplace disaster and raised innumerable issues related to worker safety.On an individual level, if my own experience is any indication, April saw many overdue on-the-job discussions with coworkers.

May’s Astrological Milestones

Let us next consider some of the astrological milestones in May.
  • Mars in Taurus opposite Saturn retrograde in Scorpio, May 1. This is a potentially dangerous aspect adding a volatile, explosive component to the eclipse activity we are seeing along the Taurus/Scorpio axis – the chief financial axis of the Zodiac. This emphasis, overall, suggests major transformative events affecting global finances. I believe the approach of this aspect is partly responsible for the difficult or violent events in late April.
  • Mars in Taurus trines Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on May 5 (GMT). This aspect is essentially supportive, but it will add Mars/Pluto energy to a period already supercharged with explosive Mars/Pluto/Saturn energy. It could make things either worse or better, depending on the situation. Perhaps difficult situations (Mars v. Saturn) will catapult us into more favorable ones (Mars trine Pluto).
  • Solar Eclipse in Taurus, May 10th. Another release of force along the already hyper-stimulated financial axis.
  • Uranus in Aries Squares Pluto retrograde, for the 3rd Time, May 20th GMT. This square is the third in a series of seven extending from June 2012 to March 2017 (the next one is in November).
  • Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, May 25th. This third eclipse in a series of three, hits the Gemini/Sagittarius axis.  This is the main political axis of the Zodiac. Expect major political and ideological realignments. With the Sun in Gemini in the 3rd, in the sign and house of grassroots politics, expect a further dramatic increase in the level grassroots political activity.
May 2013 – Overview
Business as Usual Interrupted
May thrusts us across an important threshold in the transformation being powered by the Uranus/Pluto square (exact seven times from mid-2012 thru spring 2015).
The ongoing debate over what used to be generally accepted, core political and economic assumptions will escalate further. Sweeping political realignments will set the stage for fundamental change.

Please see Carl’s blog for the remainder of the article…
