Celestial Trends for August 2012 – from Karyl Jackson – Does this ever resonate with me! Don’t miss reading this, friends! ~J
August 2012 Overview
August is universally a FOUR* month,
(*in numerology terms). FOUR requires a great amount of effort to plan, organize and accomplish the multitude of tasks tossed into the month. August begins 31 days of action-packed events, as the Full Moon that occurs on August 1st becomes a key to the major shifts occurring in August. August brings us the series of Lunar shifts that give us the unique Blue Moon event at the end of the month. This series consists of the August 1st Full Moon, New Moon on August 17th, and the second Full Moon (Blue Moon) on August 31st. This series of events shift the order from the Full Moon occurring first in the month, with the New Moon in mid month, which has been occurring for the last 18 months. Shifting to the New Moon first, followed by the Full Moon begins in September, giving us new beginnings to herald in the breakthrough and freedom slated for this time. August will feel as thought there are action-oriented deadlines occurring every day in order to reach the Blue Moon with all of the boxes checked and tasks accomplished. The marathon events of August will be behind us as a huge mountain of impossible tasks will have moved many elements out of our life. Clearing the decks has been the purpose and requirement to be accomplished by the August 31st Blue Moon at 8 Virgo/8 Pisces.
Mercury slows to change directions and turns direct on August 8th. The additional events mid-month prompt resolutions to be put down on paper and implemented into the new process that unfolds the last half of the month. Mercury direct in Leo spurs us into action as many aspects of our directions are shifting into high gear. The cosmic flag announcing the last lap of the month-long race gets our attention as the New Moon on the 17th signals the time has come to step up the pace. On August 18th, Mercury and Uranus in fire signs ignite the next series of events that roll us onto a whole new track of events.
Sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd and Mars moves into Scorpio on August 23rd, setting the stage for the new order to occur. Sun aligns with Neptune on the 24th, which brings the revised spiritual blueprint onto the table. Between the 24th and the Blue Moon on August 31st, the revisions to our spiritual blueprint begin to manifest through the changes in outside world.
READ MORE: Alpha Life Trends newsletter provides information about each of the significant days and events occurring during July & August.
READ MORE: Mercury Retrograde OnLine News providing the focus of the cosmic course correction that is shifting you into your new and right direction
READ MORE: Mercury Retrograde Phenomena Graphs provide explanation of the July/August phenomena - free to download.
July 29th through August 4th
This week, July 29th through August 4th, begins setting new goals that were set with events that were in motion on July 28th. The decisions will continue to unfold into the beginning of this week. Goals, aspirations, perspectives shifting and ideas emerging becomes the full day on Sunday. Moving our goals into action, shifting to integrate into reality, Monday’s revised events bring a very direct and definite series of actions. Moon connects with Pluto, which creates a powerful alignment with a strong sense of commitment and purpose. As the nearly Full Moon rises on the last day of July, a new level of awareness to specific plans and actions also rises. As the Full Moon moves us into Wednesday, we also move into the FOUR month of August. The specific emphasis of the FOUR energy resounds our new commitment, plans, efforts and sense of purpose. Wednesday also brings us a very powerful Full Moon at 10 Aquarius. The Full Moon that occurs on August 1st becomes a key to the major shifts occurring in august, with the sequence changing the order bringing us a powerful month of August. August provides brings us the series of Lunar shifts that give us the unique Blue Moon event. This series consists of the August 1st Full Moon, New Moon on August 17th, and the second Full Moon occurring in the same month on August 31st. This series of events shift the order to the New Moon first, followed by the Full Moon beginning in September. But the shifting series occurs in August, making for a very busy, active month in which everything is thrown into the month, including the kitchen sink.
August 5th through August 11th
This week, August 5th through August 11th, begins with the innovative spark igniting many new ideas and concepts that we will want to integrate into our life. On Monday a flock of new ideas seem to fly into our mind, and we have one thought after another that ushers us forward toward our new avenues. Mid-week Mercury slows down and changes directions, moving forward again in the sign of Leo. Our spark and excitement of our new directions can now begin to unfold. Mercury brings in more information and our mind is busy processing all of the thoughts, concepts and ideas. By the end of the week, Moon connects with Jupiter, which gives us the cosmic promise of many new aspects of our life that will create the breakthrough and freedom we have been looking for.
August 12th through August 18th
This week, August 12th through August 18th, we find that a conveyor belt of information seems to hit our doorstep with more information than we know what to do with. This also activates events and we feel like we can hardly keep up with our own life. On Monday, the Moon connects with the brightness and optimism of Venus. Letting us know that the promise of resolution is in the works and is happening, we are able to hit mid-week and the bounty of aspects already in motion. Venus is in opposition to powerful Pluto bringing in the resolutions from the changes that have occurred from the hammering of rust off of the old ways. Mars also connects with Saturn in the last few degrees of Libra, which brings in the final round of resolutions to overlay on top of the changes from the past. On Friday morning, Sun connects with the Moon to bring us the new beginnings of the month, signaled by this important New Moon in Leo. As the new beginnings are rolled out into this power-packed month, a new pace is established for the last half of the month.
August 19th through August 25th
This week, August 19th through August 25th, we continue to roll out the new options and opportunities that are creating the major shift of this month. Mid week, the Sun shifts into Virgo to tighten up our focus onto the details of our new phase. Mars moving into Scorpio on Thursday helps to shift this focus and gives us the energy to do our detailed tasks to get situations all shored up the way they need to be. Friday Sun connects with Neptune to highlight the changes that have occurred within our spiritual blueprint for this next phase. This emphasis on our spiritual blueprint will also occur with Mars harmonizing with Neptune, giving us the shift of energy to bring us into our new environment. We will find that the blueprint has brought in a new environment, new props, new themes and a whole new emphasis.
August 26th through September 1st
This week, August 26th through September 1st brings many issues into the final chapter and the last lap of the power-packed month of August. Many new contracts and agreements will be written to reflect the changes that have occurred so far with the month of August. There will be many elements on our new stage that will be put into place. Many discussions and meetings will occur Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to finalize the important issues to the changes. We are given the next step, which is to see the nearly Full Moon rise Thursday evening, letting us know that the last day of the month will grant us passage to this breakthrough and freedom from the past, allowing us to move into our new directions. Friday brings the Blue Moon into the day to become an official offering of this important transition. From the old events from 2008 to the springboard of August we are able to finally have made the changes, granting us the breakthrough and freedom from the past. As Mercury moves into Virgo on Friday, we see the Full Moon rise on a different life. This begins the new life that has been in the making for quite some time. With the events culminating in August, we can see the incredibly Full Moon rise as if to signal the success that we feel we have achieved since 2008 and most recently with the events of the last 18 months. Saturday brings in the new month of September along with the alignment with Mercury to Neptune. This connection with our spiritual blueprint provides our new map forward and the new opportunities