The changes of the Light and how we are stepping into the new earth paradigm

Lia's picture

My experience.

I wanted to share an experience of mine I had on the Eqinox yesterday and it was thrilling, and also left me feeling if I could of done more, I also ask the question should one have walked into the door way, or would that happen if it was ment too.?

Well I went to bed and only just put my head on the pillow, so was still very awake, and all of a sudden a form of my light body came in and seemed even more in depth the patterning very evolved so I knew there had been a vast change, as I cuddled up to my non believing partner I said are you ok he replied I just left my body, went to the wall and was blocked, then shot back into his body.

Well I smiled, to my self. He is still sitting in the winds, I form no judgment as it is his path.

Well after a little while right infront of my eyes, a large portal unfolded, and rippled open and it seemed almost magical, and I waited in silence as you do, as you never know what is to appear, and then I saw this huge like door way appear, it was more like a door port in the air,it was truely amazing.

That was it, on reflection today was I to go through this door as this would of occured naturally, surely. ! I had no fear, I just wondered how others felt yesterday and did any one experience anything as simular. 

Always in light, intrigued if any one can write to me if they are doing Christ ACTIVATION OVER THE FIVE DAYS and if so how have you felt.

love Jan marie Angel Lady
