Changing Perspectives: Choose to View Life Through a Different Lens

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“Your opinion is your opinion, your perception is your perception–do not confuse them with ‘facts’ or ‘truth.’ Wars have been fought and millions have been killed because of the inability of men to understand the idea that everybody has a different viewpoint.” -John Moore

There is only one thing we truly own while we are here on Earth. One thing that can never be taken from us and that we carry with us every single place we go every day of our lives. This thing is our perception. Our perception is completely unique to us. No one ever, anywhere, will ever have the exact same perception of reality as we do because there is no two people whose lives have been exactly the same.

The way we were raised, the culture we grew up in, the relationship we had with our parents and siblings and the types of music, books and movies we have been exposed to, all play a part in forming our perception. Our perception changes naturally over time. The perspective we had on life at 10 years old is completely different than the one we have at 25 years old. If we are lucky, at a certain point in our conscious evolution comes a shocking discovery… our perception does NOT equal truth.
