Posted by Wes Annac
Happy New Year! We face a new time filled with glorious new opportunities, and we now have the full collective and individual ability to anchor miracles unto ourselves. The following is an automatic-writing based “interview” with the Pleiadian High Council, channeled through yours truly. I was excited to get to interact with our Pleiadian brethren and ask them questions, and we hope the resulting communication is helpful.
Wes Annac: My dearest friends, I would like to get to know you in a deeper way and interact with you during this communication. I have a few questions to ask and I would Love to connect with you on this night.
Pleiadian High Council: We are so very happy to connect with you at all times, dearest Wesley, and to answer any questions or inquiries you may have about us or the nature of our existence. We understand you wish to know what it is like to perceive from our fifth dimensional point of view?
Wes: Yes dear friends, that is correct.
PHC: We will be happy and honored to provide our insight. Perceiving from our point of view is akin to unlocking an entirely-new and refined perspective that you had previously not even realized brimmed beneath the surface of your conscious perspective.
We once experienced third dimensional Life similar to what you dear souls are going through, and were ourselves helped to discover our inner-reality and develop our inner-senses by souls who existed in dimensions higher than the third and fourth. We received assistance in reaching these wonderful states of consciousness, and we are now assisting you and a plethora of other souls to find this wonderfully-expanded consciousness once again.
Now, to perceive from the realms of the fifth dimension is very hard to explain in your limited third dimensional terms. The air is truly alive and vibrating, in a gentle yet intense manner. You are the controller and Creator of the entire landscape around you and when we say that you control this landscape; you do not take ownership over it in any way and rather, it is Created via the vibrations you continually give out from yourselves.
There are many of us as well, who Live upon our respective Motherships most of the time.
Wes: Ah yes, the Motherships. What is it like existing in them?
PHC: Dearest Wesley, you and all others will be introduced to our Motherships so very soon and when you are introduced, you will see that they are nothing like what you would expect. Many of you think about our Motherships and expect some type of station anchored in your space, but we say that our Motherships can be every bit as big as a city and even a planet.
This is why our bigger Motherships are not allowed in your skies at this time; because they are simply too big to exist in your atmosphere. We have smaller ships stationed and cloaked in your skies and even some of our smaller craft will be seen as quite large to you dear souls, because you have not yet fathomed them in the ways many of you are hungry to.
Living in our Motherships is quite literally like Living in a collective community; within a home. We are able to travel to and visit our home planets or any other planet we are comfortable with at any time if we wish and even if we did not wish to teleport instantly to such planets, we could replicate their environments entirely with our technology.
Wes: I think all of us are eager to hear a little bit more about your technology. How specifically do the replicators work?
PHC: Our replicators are a sentient technology bred from our very fifth dimensional consciousness, and we are able to impart aspects of ourselves unto our replicators just as you dear souls will be able to.
Wes: I see. How does the consciousness within the replicator Create what you desire?
PHC: We give our Logos energy through our conscious technology, and it takes this Loving energy and funnels it through itself, molding and Creating while projecting the specific reality we have “imagined” and felt in ourselves. You see, dear souls, our replicators do not simply do the work for us.
Much effort on our part is required, but we do not wish to make it seem as if replicating an environment is hard work. Indeed, you will find that there is no hard work in the higher realms but there is fun, higher dimensional work which we enjoy doing, and replicating any environment by funneling our personal Creative energies through our technologies is an aspect of this “work”.
A soul is meant to put in the effort and necessary work to achieve that which they desire. This is encoded into the very Laws the govern your reality, dear souls, as you will find that you always get out what you put into your own personal reality-Creating energies.
Humanity is Creating their realities in every moment by working with the very energies we funnel through our technologies; they simply do not realize it. Our technology will help you to realize that you are constantly molding and working with energy, as you use such technology to begin to learn how to fully interact with it and realize you are doing so.
Wes: Is it true that you will not need your technology upon reaching certain strides in your higher dimensional growth?
PHC: Indeed, and neither will you dear souls. As you have been told, we and you all as well will eventually reach a stage in your growth wherein you will not need to utilize our technology, as you will have fully learned how to bring energy through yourselves and Create with it. We have indeed learned how to do this ourselves already, and we use our technology as a leisure.
Wes: Ah. So there is leisure in the higher realms?
PHC: Oh, dearest Wesley, there is leisure and so much more! The higher realms are essentially a combination and intensification of every good emotion or feeling you have ever felt in the lower dimensions, as such lower realms are bred from the higher dimensions and from the Light of our Creator which is, of course, higher dimensional.
There is no dross; no negativity; no need to continue on working in a manner that you are uncomfortable with. You are able to be leisurely and hard-working in the very same moment in the higher realms, because you will enjoy every last bit of your work and you will see it as a complete pleasure.
We use our technology for many things that we don’t always need to and yet, when we are ready to move on from utilizing our technology it too will move on and continue to experience higher dimensional growth.
We utilize our technology happily and gratefully, and our technology works with us as the conscious being that it is to perform anything we wish it to. The energies we bring through ourselves are expressed through our technology and again, this energy is expressed and molded in any specific way the technology is working with it to come forth.
For example, we are utilizing our technology to communicate with our scribe.
We are funneling our energies through a specific member of our High Council and Council of Nine, and this soul is representing our specific stream of collective Oneness energy. We say “collective Oneness energy” because we are a collective of beings expressing ourselves in one form; as one being, to our scribe.
We are being represented as the One collective entity that we are and as a part of the all-encompassing and all-Creating Oneness energy.
Wesley, you have recently discovered things about this very energy and likely know a small bit after your experiences, about the very experience of merging with the Oneness energy and feeling the bounty and splendor of it all.
Wes: Indeed I have, dear friends. But this is not about me!
PHC: [Laughs] But yes, is it not so very wonderful?
Wes: I have to say that it truly is.
PHC: And this is only the beginning for you and for all of humanity, dear Wesley. We know you have a few questions about the alignment of the 21st that is garnering these heightened states of consciousness, and you can go ahead and express them to us. We will be ready with open arms to absorb any questions you may have.
Wes: Well thank you very much, dear friends! I just have to ask what this date has garnered, because I have certainly felt something amazing and…just wonderful. I felt multiple initiations into a purer and deeper state of consciousness and for the most part, I am still feeling it. So I just have to ask, what has happened?
PHC: We believe the Hathors and the dear Ascended Masters have told you what has happened already. You have been initiated into a whole new paradigm of consciousness and awareness!
You now reach the threshold of garnering a deeper and more meaningful understanding as you discover your deepened states of consciousness that you can access easily. As with all good things, you must put the necessary work in to achieve these blissful states of consciousness and while there were many who expected something paradigm-breaking to happen in their outward reality on the date of the 21st, we say that the higher realms do not always work in this manner.
We and plenty of others have attempted to let you dear souls know this in the softest ways we can, and we have continued to inform you about every important and powerful date that is to garner you supremely and immensely-pure energy. This date you have just passed through is and has always been amongst the most important but unfortunately, the manifestations that grew to be expected were not meant to be brought-forth in the rapid manner some had hoped for.
We have explained the effects these dates have upon you and the fact that you absolutely must attune to them and first feel the changes in your internal reality before your external reflects them, and many of you dear souls who have been attuning to these energies for some time are feeling the resulting effects in your outer reality already, because the necessary work has been put in.
You now have a new chance and a new opportunity to heighten the amount of involvement you place in your ascension processes. Your processes are being heightened and intensified and this is a result of your continual climb away from the vibrations of duality and toward those of unity consciousness, harmony and Oneness.
It is now time for each one of you to employ the necessary disciplines in yourselves as well as the commitment to your ascension that is needed and required at this time, for your inner-participation in the energetic events occurring at present is needed more than ever.
You must attune within to find what you are looking for, because your outward reality can only and will only reflect the inner-vibrations and feelings you are feeling. You must find the necessary inner-change and harmony, and your outer vibrational reality will begin to reflect such inner-change as it is a natural reflection of your Self.
The consciousness of much of your world must change in such a manner for the outer, mass effects to be felt and the actions of so many Lightworkers in anchoring and holding the Light are seeing the vibrations of Love and unity permeate the minds and hearts of every unawakened soul who will begin absorbing such energies in their own ways and in their own time, as they gradually find a reawakening as a result of such energies.
Wes: Thank you so much for that explanation, dear friends. It makes perfect sense to me, as I have attuned to some amazing vibrations and continue to. I could feel that this date has garnered positive inner-change and from what you’re saying here, it seems that we’ve now entered a heightened phase wherein we work harder than ever to help our outer-reality reflect the change we’re beginning to feel.
PHC: You’re handling these downloads quite well, dear Wesley!
We say this in this manner because there were and are a lot of souls who are having trouble absorbing and assimilating the continual downloads they’re being given, especially if they had expected a brazen event or sudden ascension to occur.
We wish all of you dear souls to know that your ascension is not only happening; it is in its most important phase ever and your participation is invited, welcomed and needed. You are almost there, dear souls, and you simply cannot stop climbing now!
Wes: Thank you, dear friends. It has been a long and rough journey, and we’re all ready to see the fifth dimension on this world. Generally, can you comment on what we should expect to see unfold this year?
PHC: Expect to see what you Create, as always dearest Wesley. And expect to Create the most wonderful and miraculous of change that has ever been Created on your world.
Expect for the lightening vibrations you are beginning to feel within, to permeate the conscious and unconscious of every soul on Earth, and expect your physical, outer reality to again, reflect the personal revelations you are all to experience.
Expect the energies you are feeling now to further heighten, as long as you continue to attune to them. Expect your Life Paths to continue
on in the rapid manner they have been until of course, you reach the higher dimensions of consciousness wherein you will reenter the slower and steadier Life paths [of such dimensions].
Expect, in the near future, our presence to finally be acknowledged and made known on your world. This could likely come about in the form of the United States, China or another developed country announcing a formal contact with “benevolent extraterrestrials” as we will likely be called on your News stations.
This is one possible plan for the beginning of the disclosure of our existence and of course, nothing is yet set in stone and won’t be until the final moment arrives and the “go” button is pushed.
Humanity will be given some time to adjust after the initial announcement of a meeting with us on the part of your world leaders, and locked-away and hidden documents about us and our craft will steadily begin to surface as the revelations and disclosures rise and rise.
The snowball effect will be employed as revelations about our existence continue to build, and the waiting period after the first announcement that was initially to be much longer will have to be shortened because of the rapid ascension timetable your planet is indeed still adhering to.
Expect the truth to be made known, in the most wonderful of ways. Expect to be formally introduced to the Akashic Records and the infinite storage of knowledge they hold within, because you will become very close with them and you will interact with them wonderfully.
Expect the roles you are all playing to expand exponentially. We mean this for your current moment, as well as the disclosure period and far beyond. Wesley, you are already attempting to communicate with us in a more formal and direct manner. Is this not a result of the heightened energies you are feeling?
Wes: Indeed, dear friends, it absolutely is. I’m loving this, so continue!
PHC: With happiness and Love, dearest Wesley. Every role being played at present is going to be kicked up a notch and you will all begin to find your own personal strengths and talents, and you will build upon them enormously.
You will all discover your unique and individual abilities as well as your importance as one piece of the Earth-collective puzzle. You are to find pure and joyous vibrations, mindsets and heart sets within yourselves as your perspectives are gradually morphed into those of developing Galactic individuals.
Humanity will, more and more, realize your united and interconnected nature and every soul who has been involved in secret or classified government or independent company operations will come forth with what they’ve experienced.
Some of the most Lightened souls are currently stuck within the classified positions of your United States government as well as various secretive private corporations, and such souls will come forth safely to detail what they’ve experienced.
Souls who have been paid to cause and manifest lower vibrations by way of promoting separation, hate and arguing on various spiritual and alternative news websites will come forth with their experiences and ask for the forgiveness that they will be wholeheartedly given.
Members of the Illuminati family who have been Lighted all along and who feel trapped within the darkness and power structure of their family, will continue to remain safe and protected by our legions of Light as they have been. To speak to some of you directly – you have recently experienced the intervention of the Divine forces while being protected from the darkness that would attempt to consume you.
Continue following the Light you have found, for it will lead you to salvation and you will be able to detail your experiences in the time ahead; if of course, you wish to. You will not be forced to, and those of you who will choose to remain private with what you’ve experienced will be honored and respected nonetheless.
Your future is so very bright, dearest souls, and we know that you can feel this.
We could go on and on detailing the benefits and the collective strides you are to experience in the immediate time ahead and make no mistake; we will be in many future communications. For now, we ask you all to remember the change and Light you have already spread. You have done so much to lay the grand foundation for what is to come, and you are Loved, respected and appreciated.
Wes: Thank you so much to the Pleiadian High Council. I have quite enjoyed this, and consider it to be an immense success. I don’t want all of our communications to be in this manner but I have to say, I’m excited to communicate and interact with you like this again very soon.
PHC: We are overjoyed to have communicated in this manner tonight dearest Wesley, as it beckons a closeness and directness that we have not been able to establish within you as of yet. We will continue to come through you in the purest ways possible, and we thank you dearly for this opportunity to speak through you and answer your questions.
We restate that your roles are to intensify and we ask you to remember, dearest souls, that this is just the beginning of something wonderful and grand.
Wes: Indeed, it is! Thank you so very much.