Chautauqua ~ A Postcard From 5D

Lia's picture



Before I had even opened my eyes this morning, I knew I was waking up in 5D.  The very first clue was that the thick, heavy weight of 4D was missing…and then there is the sunlight, it’s brighter somehow and everything looks more vivid too.

I just laid there in bed for a few moments to get my bearings.  The next confirmation of my being in 5D was my attitude; for the first time in many years I awoke without the weight of the world’s problems on my mind; and the liberation is intoxicating.

Most mornings I like to have some music playing, but not today.  Today is a day for listening to the music of the spheres and tuning in to what spirit may have to say as well.  My soul is dancing as this day has been long awaited with deep anticipation.

There were times when I nearly came to doubt my own beliefs and convictions, because so much time has passed with no sign of the age of Aquarius rising from the decay of the dying Piscean paradigm.

For a while there; an awful lot of us were wondering if the 5D bubble had collapsed before attaining critical mass.  We thought nothing was happening because we weren’t looking with the right kind of eyes, we were watching for huge changes outside of us instead of fundamental ones within ourselves.

This morning as I stand on my balcony with my first coffee of the day it occurs to me that all of the really big changes are happening within us, as our souls either reject or embrace the opportunity for spiritual evolution now available to everyone.  Although angels on high may not be coming to rescue us, the better angels of our divine consciousness stand ready to assist; just as soon as we move in their direction.

Likewise, benevolent aliens aren’t coming to save us from ourselves either, but embracing and assimilating some ideas alien to us just might!!  3D thinking, and polarity consciousness has hobbled us for so many generations that shaking loose from it’s effects can be damn difficult.

This great awakening now sweeping the planet is essentially a good thing but we must all remember what Einstein said, “the problems we are facing today cannot be resolved with the same kind of thinking which created them.”  We not only must think outside the box, we must then burn the box, forever…and move onward.

Things are all just so much clearer now that I understand how most of my obstacles were created by myself; not wanting to know things I was unwilling to act upon.  There is a tangible vibration in the air today, sort of like the small ringing we hear in our ears, only it’s coming from everywhere and is most agreeable.

I want to get ahold of my closest friends to tell them this great news about us being in 5D now, but because I can feel them so much stronger than ever before, I am confident they already know.  I can also feel my friends who still slumber in 4D, and even 3D in some cases…but their signals grow fainter every day.  Soon we shall simply vanish from each other’s realities I suppose, like friends moving to another country.

Read More Here
