I have written a number of happy poems about Mother Earth and what is before us. I will now begin sharing them on this blog. Enjoy.
Children Of The Light
O Children of Light, awaken to see,
The wondrous unfolding of your destiny,
From heaven’s far reaches we’ve gathered to see,
A day star is birthing, how brilliant she’ll be.
As the Light streams forth, darkness shall flee,
There shall be only Light, and no dark deed,
See the Light in the eyes of new children today,
Their intelligence shines and no darkness can stay.
These children of Light, sent forth for this time,
Are far greater riches than any gold mine,
For they shall prevail with the Plan Divine,
Darkness shall fail as their intellects shine.
We rejoice in their presence in each new day,
As these children awaken and then have their say,
In reclaiming America and lands far away,
We know that we’re winning, its happening today.
Rejoice America, Rejoice Mother Shan (Earth, Gaia)
Rejoice in these children from Father Aton,
God’s Plan 2000 is well under way,
And the Children of Light prevail in this play.
John P. (Jack) Jones , Summer 1997
As we continue into this wonderful year of 2012, these words have never had more meaning. We can expect to see ever more wonderful changes in this year of 2012.