Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents... The Rites of Passage 2012
Begins this Sunday, September 23
12 Week Program | |
| All Planetary Light Servers are Invited In this moment of human history, it is incredible to behold the awe-inspiring power of Divine Remembrance springing forth from within the awakening hearts and minds of the masses. We are bearing witness to the global revelation that not only is God present within us but also that WE are the physical reflection of the supreme Divine Presence upon the Earth. After years of successfully navigating the narrow road of self mastery fraught with extraordinary challenges, the actualization of our true nature is finally upon us. This inner realization of our union with Source is rippling out to include all life as we come to understand on a tangible level that every atom in creation is a part of the interconnected whole. As a resonant group, we have been preparing all our life in order to make the necessary commitment to go the distance in this exponential passage. This is going to be one heaven of a ride, beloved Avatars, so gather your ability to focus as we rise to meet our destiny through support from these Rites of Passage. | |
| HOW to PARTICIPATE 1. Sunday Morning Delivery
We will send an email to you announcing each Rite of Passage. This will be delivered very early each Sunday morning, America time. 2. The Rites of Passage are Initiations in the Daily Life These Rites are essentially initiations that build upon the other. If you are sincere and apply yourself in full focus, these initiations will be profoundly reflected in your daily life.
3. Text and Audio Support Materials Each Rite will have a PDF text article and an Mp3 Audio Transmission. These will be offered as downloads on our website.
The text and the audio are created differently, however, they go together. It is recommended to print and read the text often.
The audio is a sacred transmission that delivers codes to awaken remembrance. It is best to listen to the audio more than once and with headphones.
4. New and Full Moon Grid Transmissions
We will continue with our unified gathering on the Grid every new and full moon. This will assist to maintain the integrity and focus of our endeavor while in group formation and to give each other great support.
5. Invoking the Sacred Fire
For those who understand about the Sacred Fire, we are asking you to assist in invoking these focuses of light intelligence throughout the entire duration of the Rites of Passage. We are doing this by continent
Download the Continental Schedule here.
We also have an 18-page Sacred Fire Decree Booklet for group focuses.
6. Invocation to the Etheric Retreats
Your assistance is called upon to support this global Rites of Passage endeavor by invoking the divine intervening support from the etheric retreats located in your country of residence and also those close to your country. Download the Retreat List.
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| GUIDELINES FOR PARTICIPATION We will be guided through a greatly accelerated experience of back-to-back initiations which focus upon our collective entry into the internal unified state of God Realization, as a group consciousness. Following are important guidelines of understanding to this endeavor...
Each Rite is taken over period of seven days and in this time period there may be sub-levels of initiation taking place. Each Rite builds upon the other, exponentially. Due to the acceleration of initiatory energy from one Rite to the next, it is highly recommended that participants start at the beginning with Rite 1. We encourage everyone to start at the same time... September 23, 2012 and to remain committed until December 21, 2012.
There will be those among our group that are fully prepared to endure this quickened pace and realize a holy emergence. Others will participate in order to deepen certain understandings or to accelerate clearings and internal activations. It is working on all levels and dimensions. We have proven that the vibration of varying levels of consciousness, as this is contained within a higher vibrating group matrix, can be raised to directly experience heightened levels of awareness. The KEY to integration is to remain within the group energy field in order for the subsequent quickening to properly stabilize.
If you are not ready to undertake such a program for yourself, please remain connected with us. You will still benefit. It is for you that we are undergoing this accelerated initiatory experience. Our progressive emergence as an enlightened group harmonic has high potential to ripple out through the Unified Field catalyzing a dynamic upshift in our level of unity consciousness thereby lifting off big pieces of the human framework and potentially foregoing, for the many, the long and difficult road to self-mastery.
It's a 12 week countdown.... let's give this our full and dedicated focus and with a GREAT CELEBRATION at year's end! | |
Subscription Page To participate, all that is required is to be on our mailing list. Each Rite will be delivered every Sunday morning through email, beginning September 23. If you have friends or groups of people from other networks that want to participate, please direct them to our subscription page.
In the spirit of abundance exchange, we ask for donations to this service if you are able. Due to this program being one of enlightened understandings, we are working on a system of absolute faith that everyone will comply.
These donations are being applied towards our multi-million dollar fundraising campaign for the Children of the Sun World Tour Global Event. We are very grateful for any monetary assistance that you can provide in exchange for this program, which has been created from the most sincere levels of love and dedication to our collective mission.
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| OUR LANGUAGING We have modified our language presentation in these Rites to appeal more to the expanded diversity of program participants. Use of the Word, God
We are remaining with the use of the word GOD as a way to express the Great Spirit, our Source of Life, that Supreme Intelligent Power of Love that permeates every form and every atom of the whole universe. We are using this word due to its sheer magnitude of vibratory frequency. If you are new to the platform of Children of the Sun and do not understand a certain phrase, please see ourGlossary of Definitions.
Translations The full Rites of Passage is offered in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian and Dutch. These translation downloads are located at the Rites of Passage Home Page.
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sounds fun and inviting,