Christina ~ Personal Coherence Feeds Collective Coherence

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Golden Heart Dialogues March 22 2013


At this time we are going through another major transition. Always know that what is surrounding us in any given moment is here to serve our highest potential. No matter what other’s perceived conjecture posted elsewhere, here, or there, the most important information is found within.

One may look out, search out, read, research, and seek what is outside of themselves only to find that whatever is appearing in the electronic media or press is presented as one pre-packaged individual or group agenda/viewpoint. If one is looking inward for calm, balance, harmony and a sense of comfort, it will be shown. At the same time, if you are the one being the calm, harmony and comfort, then you are instilling this for others.

We are the balance for each other.

We feed whatever is being presented to us. We take insights and information and make it ours. In doing so we magnify the intent affecting others. This is what coherence is about. What we choose to create within ourselves does play out in the global theater. So when we feed the positive we impact the collective. If we feed the positive qualities in our selves and act on these in our personal settings, we are influencing the collective. (Think hundredth-monkey).

Our every action brings a collective reaction.

If you are choosing to react or act upon something outside, in doing so you are then bringing it inside. You automatically turn it into your perceived awareness and you then magnify this.

So now is the time to be vigilant. What are you feeding right now? What are your thoughts? Research shows how our thoughts are things (matter). We can see our neurons gluing themselves together when we obsess on something. If we are feeding fright then it touches the collective fright. If we are feeding hope and positivity we are seeding this into the collective.

If our interest is heart-centered living and we are acting upon this and bringing it into the light of day, we are bringing coherence to the collective. Staying informed is a good thing, but imagine a world free of the plethora of stories, re-inventions and misinformation/guidance.

If we are glued to the screen of reality shows running all day long, for our mindless escape, we are feeding a concept of artificial pressure and conflict. This genre of entertainment is crafted to mulltiply and feed negativity, confusion and dependence.

Pure insight, balance, and positive well being is found within. It is up to us to choose our source of nutrition by filtering the outer world foolery through our heart-mind intellect. The time to live by simplistic practices is now. Slowing down, choosing to slow our thoughts and actions favors a coherent and positive outcome for all.

Establish a discipline incorporating a personal platform for living. Begin to question, ask is it true? How do I know it is true? If it is not, do not bring this into the light of coherence. Edit what you do not sense is pertinent. Delete the rest. We will all benefit by individual clarity and clear thinking. Ask your quiet inner being to talk to you. It will. Call forward exactly what you need to reframe your day and your life.

Our human purpose has always been our inner purpose.

No matter the distractions in the outer world placed here to disrupt and distract, it has always been our destiny to know who we are. In knowing who we are we contribute to the collective being.

Our oneness is our togetherness. Our joint efforts support the whole. Make every interaction count. Are we in balance within ourselves and toward others? Are we being what we want to see and live around us? Are our encounters filled with coherence?

Pretend for a moment you are in a space by yourself, nothing else. How do you respond? How do you drawn upon yourself and improvise interiorly? A space without the morning daily blog site, or altar, or stack of oracle cards, or call to the seer outside of yourself. This is the moment in our collective history to be the more. to be who we truly are.

These are great tools to use wisely and with discernment when used appropriately. They may be used as we master our subjects. We were born into a conversation taking place before we got here.

This time we are bringing voice, action, and the light of our intelligence to not only our individual path and purpose but in conjunction with the collective’s as well.

Seize the moment, the day and in your heart see a new world rising! It’s here, we are immersed in it.

The New Book: A New World Rising, How to Navigate Through It,
Christina Fisher copyright 2013
