Golden Heart Dialogues February 6 2013
Sometimes all that is required is to merge with the intent of another and then magnify the shared intent a thousand-fold. This messaging is stout. It is clear, dynamic in style and totally true.
When we rise and step into our true stride, we can only make the significant impact from our being forthright and by submitting to our direct knowing. We no longer have the luxury to ignore our talent, our gifts, our purposeful endeavors, for in doing so we ultimately forfeit exactly what Arundhahti Roy is speaking of.
Quite frankly, there is nothing that we cannot do at this time. Most importantly there is only what we know in our hearts we must do. The way to know what that is comes with a life deeply explored and lived. It comes from living a life of passionate depth and with a clear sense of knowing who we are.
Out of a hostile and futile civilization, comes not only a gentle and formidable mercy, but an unfathomable opportunity to lead, rather than follow. And it is about leading with the heart in a million and one ways that permits us to take a stand in a myriad of directions that are too vast to count.
If you are leading in front on a world stage or one who is back stage directing and creating, it is all the same. The vitality of leading is found in pure and passionate intent. It is in the co-mingling of intent, heart and intellect with bold action. It is about taking no and not and turning them upside down.
Passionate, persevering prevails. Portending a world that is breathing itself into existence is the world we are enlivening every time we take a stand. Silently or in our shouting, it is still taking a stand. Let’s not be submissive any longer to a false entity. It’s time to tear away the green curtain of wizardry and expose the erroneousness of a dying and outdated reality.
It’s time to rise, to lead and to breath a new world rising.
Invocation to Love, Christina Fisher Copyright 2013