Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Press Release

Lia's picture


If the Congress won’t do its job, the people will.

May 9, 2013


Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Committee

Seeks UN World Conference on Possible Extraterrestrial Presence

Washington, DC

On May 3, 2013 members of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Committee and Hearing witnesses representing ten UN member nations met at the National Press Club to draft a statement seeking United Nations review of evidence of a possible extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

The result is the following communiqué:

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Washington Communiqué May 3, 2013

From April 29, 2013 to May 3, 2013 researchers, activists, political leaders, and former members of military services and government agencies representing ten countries gave testimony in Washington, DC to six former members of the United States Congress.

After hearing this testimony these members issue the following statement:

Whereas: given the unfolding scientific understanding of the number of potentially life supporting planets within Earth’s home galaxy, it would be the height of arrogance to assert that humans are the only sentient beings within that galaxy;

Whereas: given that credible witnesses have brought forth overwhelming scientific evidence documenting the current presence of unidentified and unexplained aerial craft that many believe to reflect an extraterrestrial intelligence;

And Whereas: given the enormous global implications if these craft are, indeed, of extraterrestrial origin, such an issue is a matter for the General Assembly of the United Nations;

Therefore, we the undersigned request the Citizen Hearing Foundation use its offices to organize interested parties and raise the funds necessary to pursue a global campaign to convince one or more nations to propose a resolution within the General Assembly calling for United Nations sponsorship of a world conference addressing the possible evidence for an extraterrestrial presence engaging this planet.

We the undersigned pledge our support for this effort.

Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick

Senator Mike Gravel

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey

Congressman Merrill Cook

Congresswoman Darlene Hooley

[Unable to sign due to post-employment restrictions on Congressional Members and officers.]

Congressman Roscoe Bartlett

[Unable to sign due to post-employment restrictions on Congressional Members and officers.]

The Citizen Hearing Foundation is a pending 501(c)3 non-profit, which will launch its website later this month and immediately begin raising funds to pursue nation sponsors for a resolution to the UN General Assembly.

CHD Website:

CHD Contact:

Stephen Bassett

(202) 215 8344

Media Contact:

Janet Donovan

(202) 904 1035

Paradigm Research Group

4938 Hampden Lane, #161

Bethesda, MD 20814




what now 50 more years, and we will get back to you.

rsolor's picture

dog and pony show. i hope this was not done to flush  out the ones who have info. to create a hot list.


does anybody believe that the U.N.. and the elite do not know nothing and are dumb about what is going on around them, no matter what??????????.

for them it is a clean up time routine, and delay to wait for the old brave souls to die off and then its under the rug  it goes again.

so this becomes a business as usual, no big deal for these people that are in power to control mankind in every way, maybe  they just got a good laugh at the cost it took  on all these people. for they will pay the price for all of us to see them suffer, to let it be a warning for anybody else who want to try that again.


only the space families will have the real power to face these rulers once and for all, not us slaves who can get picked off one by one. us slaves can only throw paper, rocks, and yell insults as a mob, or get wiped out, by their goons who are brainwashed thinking they are the special ones picked to live with the elite, until they discover this is not true when it becomes to late and old age and are no longer needed or they know too much, for dead men tell no tails. human history of nations is a good teacher for all of mankind to know the truth by now, its not like most of mankind cannot read or write like in our past history hundreds of years ago.


blessings to all of us for we are all one