Dear Ascension Pioneers!
This is an intense week, as there was more Solar activity today, on September 6th. The fact is that this is always directly connected to our own feeling and experiencing, because "as above, so below". So whatever is going on with our Sun, is also going on with our planet Earth (major earthquakes and volcano eruptions) and us who are embodied here. This also triggers immense cleansing of the lower bodies: emotional, mental and physical. These are powerful times of healing and transformation!
We also have to learn to flow with Life. Sometimes things don't turn out the way we would expect them to. Sometimes things take a completely different turn. In the end, it's about learning to adjust to everything that Life offers us and allow it to teach us through patience, allowance and observance. In this way, we can see that change is the only constant there is, and that embracing this simple Truth can shift our awareness in an instant!
A simple affirmation: I AM in constant flow with Life, and I allow Life to show me the Way! I live and love only in the Now!
Within Divine Love, Polona