Co-Creating the New Earth ~ Tomorrow is in our Hands

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In order to experience something new we have to have the drive/will within us to release the old and experience something new. The old stays the same for as long as we continue to hold onto those ways of living within the old. Everyday we have the opportunity/choice to create and experience something new in our lives. Change your patterns or focus and you will change your life. The New Earth is not a separate place or a belief, it is here now for all that wish to experience it. Our minds may be expecting change to happen instantly, that the outside world should change by itself. However as the saying goes, the inner creates the outer. If we focus on lack we will experience more lack, if we hold onto fear, anger and beliefs of separation we will experience more of the same. These ways of experiencing reality do not exist within the new age of the Earth. By holding onto the old ways of the ego, fear, judgement, anger, and self disempowerment it limits our ability to sense and perceive what other possibilities exist for us “now”. The Universe only supplies us with what we wish to spend our time experiencing. We are Creator Gods whether we wish to consciously acknowledge this or not. We have the opportunity to experience life through whatever way or form we wish.

The old world is based on beliefs instead of actually experiencing what is real. Our minds may have “believed” that life does not exist beyond the physical, that there is a heaven and a hell and we are separate from these places already, that one race, God or religion is better than another, that humanity on Earth are the most intelligent Beings within the Universe. All of these beliefs are illusions because they only last for as long as they are held onto or until the real truth is actually experienced. Any views of separation from within All One are simply reflections of what we are holding onto within our own selves. The more we awaken and remember who we are multi-dimensionly, the more we experience the eternal real truth. The more we experience the truth the more we see the illusion within the beliefs we have released. The truth and experience that I describe is not very easy for others to conceive or comprehend unless they themselves have had these experiences. It is like trying to explain a dream you had last night to someone else that did not consciously remember or experience the dream with you. In order to truly know what is real you have to experience it for yourself, the same goes for the New Earth.

Think about this:

~ How can you expect to be a better writer if you don't write?
~ How can you expect to be a better more fluent speaker unless you open your mouth and speak?
~ How can you expect to run unless you have first learned how to walk?
~ How can you expect to experience unity consciousness when your holding onto perceptions and beliefs of duality consciousness?
~ How can you expect to connect with the energy, knowledge and eternal light of your IAM Presence/God Self unless you spend the time connecting with this level of yourself?
~ How can you expect to experience a higher truth when you are holding onto and defending your current beliefs and perceptions of reality?
~ How can you expect to know what lies beyond the veil of your fears until you release them?
~ How can you expect to experience something new if your not open to experiencing something new?
~ Therefore how can you expect to know and experience what heaven or the New Earth is if you don't allow yourself the chance to experience it here right now?

Some suggestions:

~ If you feel yourself holding onto some old patterns or ways of perceiving life that you wish to release, try something new and create a new pattern.

~ When you feel stressed, depressed, or anxiety about the future take some deep breaths and spend time connecting with your heart space through meditation or yoga. Release the past it is no longer here. Focus on the present the choices you make today are creating your tomorrow.

~ No matter how dark or bleak some things may appear to be in your life or in the world. The darkness is only a catalyst to assist you/us through mastering the levels of our own Self. Step into the empowered light that you are. The only battle that exists is the battle that we hold onto within our own selves. It is through change greater harmony and balance is experienced.

~ Take care of and condition your physical, mental, emotional vehicle. Condition the physical body to handle higher vibrations of energy through food choices, exercise and listening to what your body needs to stay healthy and vibrant. Monitor and release the reciprocal patters, fears and self disempowering thoughts that flow through your mental mind. Cleanse your emotional body of all anger, past trama, and toxic baggage that no longer serves you. We are Multi-Dimensional Beings having a physical experience. By taking care of your vehicle it allows for a higher rate of flow, vibration and connection with your expanded levels knowledge and energy.

~ Be open and allow change to happen within your life.

~ Do what aligns with your own joy, peace, love and happiness.

~ Most importantly forgive, love and be thankful for your existence and Self.

Let goooooooo of what you have been conditioned to believe my friends and experience the truth for yourself! The New Paradigm of Earth is in our hands. What we are co-creating today will be reflected in our experience tomorrow. Infinite possibilities await us!

If you would like some assistance, I invite you to attend one of my New Paradigm MDT (Multi-Dimensional Transformation) Seminar Courses. They are tools to assist you/us through this transformational time. The information, meditations and exercises you experience in these seminar courses assist in your connection and acclimating with the energies of the new age of Earth. In addition assists greatly with your own journey of Self discovery and integrating your multi-dimensional awareness.

Rock on my badass Multi-Dimensional friends! Rock onnnn.... : )

Joe Weaver

"It is through our own transformation we transform the world. So be the change that you wish to see and experience!"




Joe Weaver is an international facilitator, speaker, researcher and scientist of consciousness. Specializing in the alchemy of personal transformation and ascension. Offering seminar courses, coaching, and energy therapy sessions that assist with personal empowerment, inner healing and Self realization. For more information, to view upcoming events, or sign up to his email list, visit

Calling all energy therapists! Let’s stand together as One in service to humanity. Join the Energy Therapy Alliance project. Be the change you wish to see! For more information about the Energy Therapy Alliance and how to participate, please visit


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