Coming Alive: Finding Inspiration in the Mundane

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“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”- Howard Thurman

Life is too short to not spend it doing things that you love, with people that you love in places that you love. When we love something we are in the moment, we are inspired and we feel alive. We’ve all had the feeling of doing something or being with someone so intensely and passionately that we don’t realize how much time has lapsed.

In these moments we are truly one with life. Life is being summoned through us and we are completely in the moment, without letting any mental constructs of analyzing the moment or counting the minutes on the clock. These moments are truly what makes life worth living, and if we become super aware, we can call upon these inspirational moments at any given moment in the day.
