Connections by Suzi The Unknown~

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Connections by Suzi

2012 July 16
Posted by Suzanne

The unknown looms large for most of us these days, and I’m no exception. Sometimes it just seems so uninteresting to be here, and housework has definitely taken a hit. On other days I’m filled with purpose and intention.


We all have so many questions that we just cannot know the answers to until the experience arrives. We go through our days wondering if this is the one where everybody will finally know that we’ve been telling the truth all along. One would think we’d be used to not knowing by now, but we don’t seem to be there yet.

Frankly my time in stillness and meditation every day is what keeps me feeling peaceful and calm about the chaos all around us right now. I really can’t even imagine what life would be like if I didn’t feel my connection with Spirit, and to an ever growing degree with All That Is.  In my view, that is the relationship most worth developing right now.


A reader writes that she feels herself one of multiple billions of nobodies, and that she hasn’t done anything that would garner the world’s attention. She feels like just another human dealing with her life, trying to pay the bills and find a way to enjoy her life despite all that’s going on.


As she watches the process of Ascension unfold, she’s in awe that so many people are holding onto their bigotry and hate with the whole of their being. She understandably wonders why, when there is so very much to appreciate about these special times, we are so depressed and angry and unwilling to let go? So much is going our way, she points out. Why, then, are we so miserable?


I agree that there are many people who are still quite subscribed to the illusion, and I think we need to trust that each of us has our own unfoldment process. I don’t feel that it serves us when we focus on someone else’s perceptions of the world we live in, nor does it serve us to keep ourselves small.


We all have an important role to play and I do understand that it can feel full of uncertainty to step into that and quit hiding. I understand hiding because I did it for most of my life. Time is short now and I think we all are being called upon to be who we are, out in public and everywhere, unafraid and living our truth by example. Humble is one thing … but the way I see it, All of Creation needs us to be who we are.

Love and Light…


