Containment [removals] Continues: Former Egypt VP ‘Dies’ in Cleveland

Lia's picture

Containment[removals] Continues: Former Egypt VP ‘Dies’ in Cleveland

2012 July 19
Thank You to Stephen Cook 2012 Scenerio

Egypt’s state news agency says former spy chief and vice president Suleiman has died in US. The Middle East News Agency said on Thursday, July 18, 2012 in a brief statement that Suleiman died in a US hospital early this morning. It didn’t give further details. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser, File)

Containment Continues: Former Egypt VP ‘Dies’ in Cleveland


 Commentary from Stephen: The Galactics, the Celestials and the Earth Allies have been working hard these past few days.


The event in Syria was a major effort. Now Egypt’s former VP and Security Chief, Omar Suleiman has been “removed’.


I’d like to explain something I know about containment: free will exists in every situation. Like all of us, dark souls are given choices. Many are currently being contained in light and they have the choice to turn (to the light) as per recent examples JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and US  Chief Justice, Judge Roberts.


But some refuse. Those who are so dark, find the light unbearable; or they choose not to change their ways. So they must be more definitively “contained’ – in what we here,  in 3D, may see as a more permanent way. In other words, ‘death’ as we know it in this life.

In the non-illusory reality, they are not dead at all; but their souls have been  removed from this realm. They cannot survive in this energy of light.


As we have been alerted to: expect many more such figures to flip or say farewell.


Omar Suleiman Dead: Egypt’s Former Vice President And Spy Chief, Dies In U.S.


By Associated Press reporter, Huffington Post – July 19, 2012

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s former spy chief Omar Suleiman, one of the top figures in the regime ousted by last year’s uprising, has died. He was 76.

The official Middle East News Agency said in a brief report that Suleiman died in a U.S. hospital early Thursday.

Suleiman was appointed vice president on Jan. 29, 2011, at the peak of the uprising, a desperate attempt by Mubarak to save his political life as hundreds of thousands of Egyptians took to the streets demanding his ouster.

After the revolution, Suleiman disappeared from public only to come back as a presidential candidate, sparking fears of a Mubarak regime comeback. However, shortly after registering as a candidate, the country’s election commission in a surprising move disqualified him for not having received enough signatures on his candidacy papers.


In his most recent public comments, Suleiman said he decided to run for president to prevent Islamists from turning Egypt into a “religious state,” and warned that the country would be internationally isolated if one of them became president.


Mohammed Morsi, an Islamist from the Muslim Brotherhood group, won the presidency last month.


Suleiman was born in Qena in southern Egypt and graduated from the country’s military academy as an infantry officer in 1955. He rose through the infantry ranks and was appointed deputy head of military intelligence in 1987. He became military intelligence chief in 1991 during the Gulf War, when Egypt was among the Arab forces that helped a U.S.-led coalition drive Saddam Hussein’s military out of Kuwait.


Suleiman served as intelligence chief for nearly two decades. For most of that time he played a behind-the-scenes role as the top official in charge of some of the most important issues facing the Egyptian state. He was often tipped as a successor to Mubarak.



Jamie Dimon is contained?

Guest's picture

Jamie Dimon is contained? What is the source of this information?

The proof is that he apologized "publicly" at the senate/congressional hearings?

Jamie Dimon performed what he was instructed to do.  Every single big corporations including JP Morgan have PR dept and use outside communication experts whose job is to make their clients look as "sincere" and "apologetic" as possible in time of crisis. The goal is always to create "most favorable" image in a given situation. Under the direction of com experts, they go through reheasals each time they appear before the public, especially government-related hearings.


If Dimon is truly contained, we would have seen some evidences already in terms of JP Morgan reducing its exposure to CDS, manipulation of prices of precious metals, commodities, gas prices, etc. Do people know that all big banks derive most of their profit from wild CDS transactions while conventional banking constitute less than 10% of their revenue streams? Do people know that 77% of JP Morgan's net income is coming from government subsidies?


I would strongly urge this writer refraining from stating something like this, without factual info. It truly challenges the authenticity of this person named Steve. 


This is same as statement made by someone else a few days ago: Timothy Geithner is arrested. If his arrest is not confirmed, it kind of indicates his soul may be contained while his physical body goes around, making excuses for not doing anything about LIBOR when he was fully aware of what was going on.


Well, from a 5-D, it looks that way?  Please, get real.


astreia's picture

Wow! Thank you for your 5-D post! The whole issue of containment is beyond my purview, but I do know that there is a lot of false information going around and yes, if someone is sincerely apologizing then we would expect to see some changes in the behaviors. Yes, they DO use PR firms and token gestures, I know that. I'm just waiting for things to get better for all earth's creatures, not just the people, and generally I try not to get involved in this type of discussion but I wanted to thank you.