Conversations With ... Jim Self and Joan Walker

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Published on Jan 25, 2013

In this excerpt of Conversations With ... Jim has a discussion with Joan Walker who is both the channel for and co-creator of the Mastering Alchemy Program with Jim. Joan has gained mastery in bringing through the very complex aspects of the patterns of possibilities held within the Archangels and Ascended Masters, allowing students of the Mastering Alchemy work to accelerate their personal evolution and ascension.

Much more is about to be brought forth and made available so that ALL of humanity can begin to more fully anchor the energetic 5th dimensional templates and formats of consciousness, thereby accelerating our coexistence with each other and with the Creator.

Link to the full episode

Jim & Roxane's New Book! - What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? Why Now is the Time to Release Who You Are Not and Remember Who You Are
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Mastering Alchemy - Tools for The Shift and Beyond - Intro & Preview #1