Corrina ~ The High Heart Architecture And The New Rainbow Currents

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Earth Hive April 17 2013

Listen to this Earth Hive update here.

Crowned Jewels essence, supports the awakening of the Diamond Heart

The March Equinox created a wave of new energies never experienced on Earth before.  We are climbing a frequency ladder that is headed towards full infinity embodiment.  Many are already experiencing this and are assisting the Earth’s collective architecture to embody infinity step by step.  With the Equinox gateway, an opening was created to allow for the first layer of the Earth’s High Heart architecture to be laid.  We have just begun to receive this new structure, and there are many more layers to be received and integrated.  In the months leading up to June, we will experience a greater fluidity co-creating through the High Heart, the portal into Divine Design and co-creation of God’s Will.  Here are the updates I have received from the Earth Hive about our increasing High Heart capacity.

On a recent trip to Puerto Rico, I initiated with the cosmic support of the Rose Family (this is a soul family embodying the divine feminine of the Christ Consciousness) the first installment of the High Heart architecture of Earth.  The High Heart is a chakra center on the hara line (outside the physical body) that is important to our liberation into multi-dimensional beings of light, co-creators of Divine Will.   The High Heart as an energy frequency leads us out of individual consciousness and into universal love consciousness.  It  is from the High Heart consciousness that we are empowered to co-create with the 3 forces of creation:  love, light and power.  When we apply “intent” inspired from divine, sacred wisdom (what I consider the 4th force of creation; we could think of this as human consciousness), the triad forces of creation are activated to manifest Divine Will from the un-manifested realm.  We live in an infinite possibilities reality where it is up to us to tap into the infinite pool of possible realities and apply intent to create so that the unformed may be formed.  The High Heart is the “space” within ourselves from which we co-create.  At this frequency of creation, only those creations that are in alignment with Divine Will will come into form.  The reason being that the High Heart frequency is about universality that which fulfills the universal principles of oneness and love.  Understood more tangibly, co-creation at this level serves group consciousness such as soul groups, spirit consciousness of animal and plant kingdoms, star and galactic groupings, etc.

When one is initiated into the High Heart opening, individual attachments and desires begin to drop away and are replaced by a rising passion to be an instrument of God however you are called to serve.  With this initiation, your eternal nature becomes clear, and there is little room for doubt, confusion and fear.  Inside the High Heart, one is met with the pure source of God (Power), which serves as the substance that fuels creation (I call this God Fuel).  Coming into union with God source is synchronized with your soul essence (Light) coming into your physical body and connecting to the universal frequency of unconditional love (Love).  As we move further along the path in mastering the forces of creation, our heart changes immensely, becoming a portal for the creation forces, the Alchemical Heart, and, ultimately, the Diamond Heart, a unifying agent of Christ Consciousness.

In order for the Earth to embody the High Heart architecture, there needs to be enough humans that have achieved the High Heart frequency to form a group consciousness (this wasn’t always necessary, at least in this exact way, but due to the significant damage to the Earth’s living light grid, human consciousness, intent, is paramount to reviving the Earth’s High Heart architecture).  There is a very small group forming the High Heart consciousness at this time (relative to the whole human population) that served as a stabilizer to support the first layer of High Heart architecture to be laid.  At the moment it is like a very thin sheath, barely visible, that is more like a “target” point for others who will unfold this portal across the globe, making it stronger with each new conscious action taken within the High Heart frequency on Earth.

The current High Heart architecture created three anchor points, Hawaii, Brazil (Alto Paraiso area) and Puerto Rico, which have now been fully bridged, the final bridge completed in Puerto Rico.  This architecture will now be replicated, by those that are called, through other triad creation points, known as Rose Points, around the globe.  The Rose Points are forming a newly inspired Rose Gridwork around the planet (part of the Earth Hive grid) from which the Universal Rose Energies, divine feminine consciousness, pours into the planet.  Beginning very soon the first High Heart installation in North America will be receiving a new transmission, explained to me as the Rainbow Current.  The Rainbow Current will travel the grid lines of the Rose Grid transmitting the higher octaves of the Higher God Self into the planet.  These are the tones of higher God Consciousness, as well as gateways (the 7 gateways of Heaven) to platforms of creation of the Matrix of Creation.  The whales are playing a crucial role in calling in the Rainbow Current as they have been the keepers of the Rainbow Current.  It is because of them that the Rainbow Current is “attracted” to Earth again.

As the Rainbow Current begins to circulate the Rose Grid, “dead” life will be plucked from its path.  While I don’t know how this will be manifested exactly, I’m imaging that this will mean a deeper revealing of that which is “dead” to this planet now, both personally and collectively.  The Rainbow Current will gather speed quickly once it begins and will thus mean some profound, quick alterations of reality into the higher octaves of life.

To prepare oneself for the next few months (June Solstice being the likely end point of these changes), we can begin to work with our Diamond Heart to shift polarized emotions, experiences, situations, etc. into the unity consciousness of the Diamond Heart.  There is a Diamond Heart Integrator Technique that “processes” created forms into Diamond Unification.  Here are the basic steps of the technique:

From the space of your Diamond Heart feel how the forces of creation, love, light, power and wisdom, feed into your heart center (each force moving into the center via the 4-directional cross) to meet with the spiral of infinity.  Set your intention to be in this presence of infinity.

Breathe in and out from the infinity space of the heart for as long as you’d like, or at least until you are certain that you have come fully into your infinite heart center.

As you experience your infinite heart, become aware of the crystalline nature of your heart.  You may hear this as a tone or see or feel the fluid crystalline light refracting and circulating through your heart.

Once you are aware that you are connecting with your Diamond Heart, expand it’s spherical field outward at least 12 feet outside of your body.

From the center of your Diamond Heart there is a central “staff”, a rod with a bend at the top.  Become aware of this staff and expand its diameter as wide as you’d like.  Imagine yourself holding the staff (or simply direct its movement with your consciousness).

When you encounter 3rd dimensional created forms (this includes emotions, situations, persons strongly rooted in 3D, etc.), focus the staff on these energies.  You will notice that there is a diamond facet at the end of the staff that will receive these 3rd dimensional energies.

The staff is in your control, and you can move it as you would like, directing where you would like integration into the Diamond Heart energies to occur.  As you direct the diamond facet to meet with 3rd dimensional energies they will be pulled into the infinity center of your heart (via your staff).  This is all you need to do.  The process will unfold naturally from here, allowing various stages of integration into the Diamond Heart field to occur such as forgiveness, transmutation, harmonization and synchronization.

The Diamond Heart Integrator Technique is most useful in difficult situations and really dense energies that may call for more precise attention.  As you become comfortable with the workings of your Diamond Heart, you can advance to using your entire Diamond Heart field as an integrator.  I advise not doing this right away because there is a risk in damaging your Diamond Heart with exposing it too quickly to lower energies.  By using the staff as the integrator, you can more easily control the point of focus, as well as experiment with your Diamond Heart safely.

I wish you all a good practice and peaceful journey into the High Heart and Rainbow Currents.

