The New Earth Agenda
I would not have guessed that it would take until the end of February to discern the Earth Hive developments for this month, and yet here we are. There has been a profound shake-up on Earth in these past few weeks that made it more challenging to grasp the “story” of the moment. Now we are well into the shift and the picture is getting clearer. The Cosmic Agenda of the Light is taking hold and causing major transitions on the way things work on Earth. It is very exciting to witness and those who are the wayshowers of the Light will begin to have a lot more freedom of movement and co-creative power as multi-dimensional living through the natural laws of the universe regain authority on Earth. Here are some of the transformations of the past weeks and what is incoming to secure and solidify the New Earth Agenda.
From the perspective of the cosmos, it is the establishment of a New Tree of Life design that has fulfilled the Destiny of the Light on Earth. The New Tree of Life settles the accounts of old, e.g., creation and destruction patterns manipulated out of personal will, power and control, to a New Earth Agenda where creation and destruction affirm the universal principles of unity and oneness. A seamlessly about life on Earth is now emerging where the process of creation is determined out of whole, or unified, experiences of life (this is in comparison to polarized creation patterns that see-saw like a pendulum through the extremes of creation and destruction). Moving into the New Tree of Life design is to experience life through the element of water–flowing, smoothing, encircling, melding, easing, softening and waving. The Water of Life is taking on a new meaning in this post-shift reality. The feminine consciousness of Earth is arising out of the waters of Earth. The Earth’s creations emerging out of the womb of the Earth’s waters. From a distance, Earth is the feminine planet of the watery womb.
In a recent gathering of the Bee Hive Collective, a conscious co-creation group that I work with, we received from the unity field teachings about the re-balancing of human heart-mind and how to work with the Womb of the Earth for manifestation. Here is what I shared on our Facebook page about the teachings. You are welcome to connect to our group and practice these teachings:
“The Bee Hive Collective met in the physical yesterday. As I explained in a post last month, in 2013 our work has evolved so that others (no matter where you are) can connect to our group field and receive the energy transmissions that we are co-creating. All you need to do is ask to connect to the Bee Hive Collective’s Group Field. I recommend that you center yourself first with a few heart breathes and then connect. The field is automatically programmed to clear you of anything that does not belong in the group field (e.g., lower, negative attachments and/or energies) and to provide the protection you need to receive the energy without interferences.
During yesterday’s gathering we received a re-alignment of the body for Harmony, Unity and Manifestation. There were many teachings that we received but I will highlight a few. You will likely discover your own when you connect.
We received a new human balance of the mind that arose out of the Earth’s Womb, the oceans. By the end of the transmission, we understood that what we had been attuned to is the complete, new alignment for instant manifestation. The human body when connected with the saline waters of the oceans begins to carry a charge (negative charge) which then calls in the Father Principle (a positive charge) in the form of a central Rod that runs through the body. This forms the Zero Point, Neutrality Field, in the human energy field, which balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It is when we are in this balance that we can work with the frequency of infinity, the key frequency to instant manifestation. Once in this alignment, we were taught to change the color of our energy field (this control mechanism is in the heart), to then see that the light around us would respond to the energy of our field. Like a Christmas light bulb changing colors our reality will respond to whatever light spectrum, we are emitting. We played with Violet and Pure Light and could sense the tonal shifting around us as we invoked the change of light. This practice teaches us how to manifest with ease. All light is malleable and fluid from the field of unity consciousness. Thus, the light around you will respond to your heart directed light.”
As we are learning to work with the unity field for heart-directed manifestation, we are also discovering that Light behaves differently than in the dualistic (or 3D) creation experience. In the unity consciousness experience, Light functions not because of the dark or in the absence of Light but as a reality in and of itself. We may have become so accustomed to being the Light in the dark that we are missing how our relationship to the Light has shifted. More than a belief system about the Light, we are now a function of the Light. In the Cosmic Agenda of the Light, it is vital that there are working Light functions on Earth. We are the light bulbs of the universe, emitting the living, organic light into Earth’s life systems. As a result, there is a power surging of Light on Earth now. It is as if there is a central light bulb at the Earth’s core shining through all the layers of the planet and creating a new translucency to all life forms. It is this Light infusion that is repairing and replenishing the Earth back to healthy, whole life systems.
The change in the behavior of Light is also transforming our relationship to the plant kingdom. There is a new DNA communication between humans and plants (and quite possibly all of life, though it is the plants that are speaking most directly to me) to provide a new form of nourishment for our bodies. It appears to be a light body nourishment that the plants are providing for us. We may begin to feel that we are more plant than human as we are merging our DNA’s for a smooth transmission of Light sources.
Cosmically, we are also receiving new sources of Light. Now that we have crossed over from keepers of the Light to functionaries of the Light, we are hooking into a system of Cosmic Light Bands that follow the Galactic Heart Pulses across the multi-verses. There is a sense of grandness within and around us as we are re-connected to the Strings of Universal Light. As the instructions via the Bee Hive Collective report, we truly are becoming light bulbs, or individual power points of Light. (If you remember how to make a basic light bulb from an orange or grapefruit from science class, you can see that this is the very engineering at work within our bodies now.) Being a function of the Light is not something that one needs to work at, we have become it. There is a sense of “mission complete” now with regard to laying the ground work to fulfill the Cosmic Agenda of Light. There is a rising of consciously aware Light functionaries that will release the New Earth Agenda, to create a post-peace liberation platform. The “post-peace” platform resolves the old war and peace tension through an inner to outer alchemy of Light. One goes inside the “war” and the “peace” where the missing link to unity can be formulated. This is the Living Light in Action that is currently making its way across the planet.
The March Equinox will serve as a revealing of the Light as a new function on planet Earth. It is a moment of beginning. A dawning hour when all of Earth’s natural rhythms will harmonize to the new Light course. If you are able to sit quietly on this day, attune to the Light purposes that will indeed come flooding in. You may realize your new work as the language of Light will be speaking more clearly than ever before.