~**~ We are brought up to always have control over our actions, our finances, anything in fact that affects our daily life. That is fine when it comes to making choices for our physical needs in the life we live in this society as it is now.
But when it comes down to our spirituality, we are put into situations where we do not have that control anymore. Eventually, our spiritual self becomes known to us and we begin to discover a life and a way of perceiving that is totally different from our everyday earth choices. It can be quite confronting to many.
~**~ Depending on the individual soul, a person can either embrace the knowledge that a higher Being or a higher energy lives inside their physical body, or they can brush it off as fanciful imagination !
But to the spiritual seeker, it is a welcome awakening to discover a higher meaning to life.
A whole new world unfolds and if the person is open to receiving the many prompts from their spiritual self within, they can be led to exactly what they need to live in a peaceful and loving world, within.
~**~ Quite a ways along the spiritual path depending on the experience of the soul on earth, there comes a time when a person has exhausted themselves and perhaps realize it would be much better to surrender to the divinity within - afterall, that divinity within knows far more about themselves than they do. Surrender to one's own divine self is a huge choice to make. But after having experienced communication from within, one can start the process of letting go, and that is of everything !
~**~ Letting go is the scariest thought for anyone unless they are absolutely prepared to hand over their desires, needs, choices, etc., to the higher divinity within. Once that decision is made, the higher self then takes the steering wheel of one's life. Being completely guided from within in the way of actually being led by this higher aspect of divinity is really something to experience.
It is an amazing and tremendously humbling experience to feel yourself being walked to places, shown what to say and do by the very words that come out of your mouth without thinking, this is what it is like. Your higher self knows you far better than your earth self, your personality self. Of course you can still think for yourself, but if a decision is made that is not for your highest good, higher self steps in and guides you to what IS the best choice.
I have also found that if a doubt or a negative thought starts to creep into my mind, it is immediately taken away.
~**~ Surrender is ALLOWING the high spiritual energies of Universe to take care of you. Remember the saying, " the universe will provide?"
That is exactly what happens !
There are no restrictions in that higher energy vibration of Universal Consciousness. There will never be needs that are unfulfilled. Everything is available for your journey in life to fulfill your destiny, at the same time being looked after by Universe - a much higher power than the will of the earth mind.
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Love, Light, Peace to All,