Update 12/23/2012: Earth has now crossed the galactic plane.
Some people say “nothing happened.” Maybe that’s true for them.
You will not build New Earth; you will perceive and merge with the New Earth that has always resonated just beyond your perceptions. . . . Your eyes have not fully calibrated to the Light, nor have your ears fully calibrated to the Truth. . . . your task is one that occurs within your ever-expanding consciousness and will be invisible to those who do not share your journey. (Source)
Enlightenment, perception of already existing New Earth, is unveiled via transformation of our own consciousness, not somewhere “out there”. As Zen monks have said, “Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water; after enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.” In other words, before and after our perception has shifted, even after we become enlightened, we’ll still care for our bodies, we’ll still have chores.
Note: The following link hypothesizes that, as we pass through the galactic plane, our solar system is actually part of 2nd “dwarf” galaxy that is intersecting with the Milky Way: DNA Upgrade through the Merging of Galaxies
Our sun and solar system, while orbiting the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, will cross the center of the Galactic Plane in December 21, 2012
At regular intervals the Earth and our entire solar system crosses the Galactic Plane.
The Galactic arms are in motion, twisting, spiraling or rotating as well as orbiting the galactic center. (Source)
Consider this rough sketch picture:
See if you can imagine the imaginary ‘axis’ along the center of each galactic arm, represented by the two darker lines in this picture (This is the axis I call the Hammar Axis). All of the stars, planets and other stellar objects twist around this axis.
Our solar system lays within a small section of galactic arm we have named Orion Spur or the Orion Arm. As shown in this drawing.
The following diagram represent a cross section of the Orion Spur demonstrating the relationship between the Earth, Sun and other stars as the galactic arm slowly rotates (each disc representing an approximate 2000 year interval)
Crossing the Photon Belt
When an electron and a positron collide they are annihilated and the mass is converted into radiation–photons. (Source)
The Photon belt is unique in that it can completely transform all that is matter, that is to say it can raise its vibratory level to frequencies that you cannot even imagine. . . . this energy transmutes and transforms all that it penetrates. (Source)
Our Earth along with other planets revolve around the Sun. The Sun, along with 6 other stars, in turn revolve around a bigger star, Alcyone, also known as the Central Sun. Alcyone revolves around a much bigger star, Sirius, which is called as the Greater Central Sun. Sirius revolves around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky way galaxy, to which our Earth belongs, has billions of such stars and planets, all revolving around a massive star in its core, called as the Galactic Center.
Galactic Plane
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Galactic Plane
What Is the Photon Belt?
Take your pick . . .
Explanation #1: (A favorite explanation.)
Some sort of extremely powerful energy causes our galaxy, the Milky Way, to flatten out into a disk. The energy that flattens out the Milky Way is exponentially stronger as stars (and their planetary systems) get closer to, and pass through, the plane of the Milky Way. As stars orbit around the Milky Way’s galactic arms they periodically pass through the plane of the galactic center. This area of exponentially stronger energy along the galactic plane is the photon belt.... To Finish reading this post with the Video's You can Follow this Link: http://prof77.wordpress.com/new-earth/crossing-the-galactic-plane-and-the-photon-belt/