Doreen Smith's picture


 heartlightdg in General November 13, 2013

Last night a discussion was sparked between my ten-year old granddaughter and me about the process of dying.  We were watching a “reality” show where their old, gray-haired dog was not moving very well and looking worn out and sick. He was looking like he was not feeling well so they took him to the vet.  I could see Kaia was getting sad, lips sticking out, eyes getting big.  She looked at me and said, “That’s just like Jeannie.”

Jeannie is her 15 or 16-year-old dog (I wrote god first).  Jeannie was a rescue that we always wondered about the reason why anyone would give her back, but they did, two times, before my daughter took her home for good to be a companion to my grandson.  We don’t know how old Jeannie actually is, but we guess she is older than my grandson who is fifteen.


This picture is a from is a couple of years ago and Jeannie has lost a lot of weight and slowed down considerably since then.  She has a lump on her neck that has grown a lot in the last few months.  She limps around and can’t see or hear very well.  She still likes her food though and loves to go outside so we are letting her be.  I tell her all the time to lay down and peacefully leave when she is ready to go, not to let herself get really sick.  I say, go easy baby, go easy, that it’s okay to go when she’s ready.  We love her so much, she is so very sweet and gentle and loving and it’s difficult to watch her like this.

So Kaia and I talked about dying when she saw the tv dog looking and acting just like her own dog.  That dog subsequently laid down in their yard and left his body and one of the kids found him afterwards.  She watched them bury the dog and told me she didn’t want to die.  I told her she has a lot to do here and it will be a long time until she decides to leave. It is a choice, I told her, even for our animals.

I explained how the body is something we use for a while then we go back home to spirit.  I told her where my last two dogs are buried and how they are buried in the spots where they loved being in the physical the most.  I went into a lot of detail about what happens when we are born watching her suck up what I am telling her.  I described Spirit as feeling a bit of, oh we will miss you! when we leave to be incarnated, while humans, on the other hand, are so joyous here on this side when a new baby is born.  And it’s the opposite when we die, humans are sad because the physical presence is gone from us, and Spirit is throwing a party for the spirit, saying, Yay, welcome home!   She thought the picture of Spirit throwing us a welcome home party was funny.

Kaia asked a lot of questions.  I felt like I was actually explaining this without fumbling for words.  And she got it.

We even talked about how we don’t remember being a spirit because if we did, we wouldn’t want to be here and that’s the reason we came here, to experience being human.  How as soon as we cross over, we remember everything again.

I told her Jeannie will feel so good when she crosses over into spirit, she will no longer be in pain, and that her body is tired and worn out and she is getting ready to leave it soon.  I want Kaia to understand and not feel like it’s the end when Jeannie leaves.  I told her Jeannie may not be in her body anymore, but she will always be around them in spirit.

Here is a marvelous analogy Kaia used to explain it.  It’s like when you pour a glass of milk, you drink it and it’s gone.  So you pour another one in another glass.  The milk is our spirit, we leave the body like we drink all the milk.  Then we might decide to get another glass of milk (reincarnate in another body).  I loved it!  She got it.

When that part of the show came on last night, I debated changing it when I saw her face but decided not to.  I am so glad I didn’t.  It was an awesome discussion.

