Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report ~ ARE WE REALLY HERE ~ Compilation of Love ~
Greetings Love Beings and Happy New Consciousness!
Unified Consciousness has uplifted and sightings have become more and more... and more... This is a compilation I suppose many of you were waiting for. Thousends of people reported the sightings in one of the biggest city Russia... Here we go...
enjoy the watching, and FEEL... simply FEEL it. This is the Path that brings All Home into awakening.
It Is Happening.
One of All
If you missed our last energy update:
Glowing UFO hovering St Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012
2nd video: Glowing UFO hovering St Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012
3rd witness: UFO hovering St Peterburg, Russia. April 9, 2012
UFO dropping Light Balls over St. Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012 (witness #4)
Compilation(4 videos) UFO over St. Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012
5th Capture: UFO over St Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012
New Video: UFO hovering St Petersburg, Russia. (Witness #6)
And to end todays compilation, a video I missed... thus it fits perfectly in today update even if it was from last month!
Here’s a link to another post of UFOs sigthings, good that more work together to dig the Truth... just one little comment for I know it’s kind of unknow to many... metal disks, are not our ships. Remember that military have had this technology for a long time...
Love You
With all The Love I AM
ANdReA, Mother and Father God & the entire GFP Staff