The Daily Oracle ~ Foundations

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~   The  Daily  Oracle   ~™


Foundations ~ The energies and directions are now specifically evolving around the foundations upon which you currently base your life. We have the first of seven hits of Uranus Square Pluto tomorrow which, according to astrologers, is not only rare but bringing lots of energy changing things right before our eyes. This is the time to pay attention to how you are changing, strengthening, releasing or destroying what you formerly relied on as reality in order to create your new foundation for the new reality…this is your focus for now, so…read on…


The foundations of our lives really tend to be our core beliefs, our core philosophies, the core principles upon which we see and relate to the world. Now, generally speaking these “foundations” are passed on to you by your parents, your society, your culture as well as your peers. Your perceptions are formed at an early age and rarely questioned or thought about by most people. When one is on the path to move forward in expanding consciousness, self development and increasing the vibrational energy of who we are, it happens occasionally that the foundations upon which we have built our lives shift or even crash and if we are awake enough to pay attention, these tend to be times of great breakthroughs, cleansings and AHAS!!! These are times we can laugh with and sometimes cry with and at ourselves for the cognition of it or “grokking” it as Michael Valentine Smith did in “Stranger in a Strange Land” by Robert Heinlein (one of my personal favorites). For those not yet familiar with the term 'Grok', it means "to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed" and "to understand intuitively or by empathy; to establish rapport with."


This Oracle is before your eyes to point you in the direction of taking a comprehensive, good look at the foundation principles upon which you have built your present belief system. Have you changed them lately? Have you looked to see if they are valid for you any longer? That really even includes people or spirits or Ascended Masters or even spiritual practices that you have felt connected to in a special way for a long time. That may have changed and requires a look see. Are there others that move in to take their place? They were part of your “foundation” – folks, spirits, practices you relied upon for mentoring, teaching, growing and now you have gained your own strength - you are now your own teacher, guide, mentor. You no longer need to “look up” to someone or something other than yourself. You can now see that we are all on the same path learning, growing, changing doing what is the highest good for our own sovereign journey into this new reality we are creating. It behooves you now to take a look at what The Shift is creating for you personally. Many of us have gone through quite a few changes or events or experiences that have far reaching impacts on how we view ourselves and the world.


It is time to explore the basis of your foundational attitudes, beliefs, systems, and programmings. It is time to explore, as you continually seek out and discover, what is no longer working for you, what needs to die in your life – do not mourn the loss but bless it and move on, being grateful for the experience, the passion, the love, the joy. As you build or change your new foundations, step fully into the Being that you are. Based on your new foundation you will find it sustains you as well as expands you. The authentic, real, true you is founded on your new core principles. See yourself as growing and changing to the True You – Your Authentic Self, as your new foundations become the platform from which you will spring into action.


Let your mantra be:  I accept that I AM my own teacher and allow all the changes, experiences and
                                                    releasing of my old foundations to be easy…And So It Is!!!

Love from the Lotus World <333,

Darity Wesley

This Oracle is from OM-Times Magazine Oracle by Darity Wesley © 2011 Darity Wesley
