David’s Contribution to Our Understanding~ Steve Beckow

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~David’s Contribution to Our Understanding~

2012 January 23
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member  Steve Beckow


David Wilcock’s latest instalment of his unfolding article on “Financial Tyranny” definitely will not appeal to or interest everyone.


However as a history of the Illuminati, of its connections with Freemasonry, of its plans to cause three world wars, and of the attempts by it and others to concentrate ownership of the world’s wealth in the hands of a few, I can’t think of another source that approaches it.


It brought up a range of emotions for me personally. Svali’s revelations were as far as I could get in my own study of the Illuminati in 2007.


Her descriptions of snuff flicks, child pornography, torture, and the infiltration of the military were as much as I could stand reading. I put aside that line of inquiry then and never returned to it.

But reading David’s treatment of it puts so many things into perspective – the fundamentalist brand of “Zionism” with its focus on Armageddon, the tie-in between Freemasonry and the Illuminati, their twisted religious philosophy, how the Illuminati could be so small and yet so powerful, and so on.


What is left out of David’s treatment is the entire story of how the star nations came to Earth to defeat the Illuminati and prevent a nuclear World War III. Leaving that out also means leaving out NESARA. David and I have discussed his own skepticism of the abundance program and agreed to disagree.


David’s treatment is a classic example of how “insider” information can provide many details and yet leave  out of the picture the real forces who’ve in fact brought the Illuminati down. But then following our sources here also leaves out of the picture the rich trove of information which David provides – at least until after First Contact.

Both pieces of the puzzle are needed until such time as the mainstream press shake off their CIA censorship and we secure the kind of information technology that the galactics have that will allow us to know our history without skew, spin, or cover-up.


There is so much to his research that I wouldn’t know where to begin if I were to summarize it. The one element I did want to highlight was how World War III was an Illuminati project. David says:

“Still’s book [New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies by William T. Still] reveals that [the American] Pike and [the Italian] Mazzini made major additions to the plan for how their secret group – the ‘Illuminati’ – could seize control of the planet, financially and politically.
“Their plan was to deliberately create three world wars – on false pretenses. This means killing people and orchestrating events behind the scenes to create death and bloodshed on a level never before seen.
“Two out of three of these wars appeared exactly as planned. The third World War – a battle with a ragtag group of terrorists in the Middle East – has been attempted for some time, but still has not succeeded.
“Nonetheless, it is obvious that the struggle to create this Third World War is very much a present-day issue. The Federal Reserve ‘super-entity’ is still following the old script as if it were Scripture.” (1)

David’s article shows how far back the plan for WWIII goes and how its contours were mapped out prior to any of the more modern conflicts in the region and have nothing to do with historical tensions.

“The third World War would be in the Middle East between the Moslems and the Jews, and would bring about the biblical Armageddon.

“Certainly by the end of this Third World War, the battle-wearied nations would be ready to accept any proposal so long as it promised peace, uniting the entire world under the fatal banner of the Luciferian New World Order.”  (2)


Until now I had considered WWIII to have been a project of crazed fundamentalists on the one hand and Illuminists on the other, although I could not see the tie-in.  But David traces its roots back to the Illuminati desire for world control (3) and the long-range nature and development of the plan now becomes explicable.

The whole Illuminati pyramid is now being taken down – though not only by the Earth allies that David points to, but also by their galactic, spirit and even celestial legions which no one of an empirical-materialist would probably be ready yet to acknowledge. Even David himself is only willing to acknowledge their role in general terms, as he does here for instance:


“And then of course all of those [the Anunnaki] are just like children in the sandbox who can totally be stopped by what I call management, you know, the higher, positive forces out there, that are much more vast in their potential. These are the kind of guys that can basically move an entire solar system around just as we would roll the marbles on a table.

“You have to understand that the protective forces are what I call management. Management will not allow the planet to be destroyed. They will not allow the planet to fall into the negative. They are protecting us as we go through this evolutionary process.” (4)


I doubt whether David at this time would be willing to accept SaLuSa’s statement, for instance, that:

“We have prevented a Third World War, destruction the Earth, and plagues and diseases of proportions that would have decimated your population. That has been in accordance with our responsibilities to ensure that you safely reach the point of Ascension, and that the opportunity to ascend is not denied you.” (5)


He may be, given that the galactics are the major part of the “management” he refers to.


I’m amazed that David is able, after having just written The Source Field Investigations, to produce the amount of research he does here (although the two investigations may have been related, the data for the one providing data for the other).  Even so, the extent of his contribution to our understanding of what has transpired in darkest secrecy until now is past reckoning.




(1)  David Wilcock, “FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time,” Jan. 21, 2012, at http://www.divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1023-financial-tyranny?showall=1

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) And David introduces us to the grandfather of all plans for the capture of the world, Mayer Rothschild’s 1773 plan.

“In 1773, Mayer Rothschild convened twelve other wealthy men (total of 13) in Frankfort, Germany and set forth his 25-point strategy, which they have followed PRECISELY over the past 230 years. How do we know about this meeting? A lightening bolt struck and killed the courier on horseback who was taking the agenda to the meeting. His personal effects were examined, and people were stunned to find this plan.

“What were his 25 goals?”

For the 25 goals, see here:  http://www.freeforum101.com/artneuro/viewtopic.php?p=863

(4) David Wilcock, interview with George Noory, Oct. 6, 2009, Coast to Coast AM, at http://tinyurl.com/298hyno

(5) SaLuSa, May 25, 2011, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm


