Dear NSA,

Reane's picture

Dear NSA,

Hello!  My name is Reane...opps...I already knew that.  Here are some target words because I want to make sure that you read this.  Um...Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, bombs, terrorist, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia...well...that ought to do it.  Oh yeah...I also put this on my facebook page, in my emails, plus I'm also making this video for youtube to speed up the process.

I wanted to let you know that it is ok if you keep spying on us American's and people around the world.  Hurry up and finish your $366 billion dollar Surveillance City in Utah that will store even more data, because you are going to want to know what happened.  The truth is going to keep coming out.  The wiki leaks have turned into wiki floods...and you know what wiki floods do?  DAMN!  When the damn breaks, you will want to know all the how's and why's.  With all the information that you are storing you should be able to figure it all out.  I will give you some key words that you may want to zero in on to help you.

                          TRUTH, LOVE, AND PEACE.

Have an awesome day!

