6:35PM BST 24 Aug 2012
18.35 That's where we leave our live coverage for today. We'll be back on Tuesday after the long weekend. Thanks for reading.
17.47 The ECB may not be ready to announce details of its bond-buying plan until after the German Constitutional Court rules on the legality of the ESM bail-out fund, Bloomberg reports.
Some had been expecting Mario Draghi to announce details on September 6, at a scheduled press conference, but that doesn't look likely according to two central bank officials.
ZeroHedge goes one step further, quoting JPMorgan as saying thatwaiting for the court ruling seems like an excuse, given that there's unlikely to be a problem clearly the legality of the bail-out fund. It claims that waiting may just be a smokescreen to cover up the fact that work on the plan isn't going as quickly as many hoped...
17.32 A joint statement from Angela Merkel and Antonis Samaras has been released on a Greek government website. In Greek. Google provides us with this surprisingly good translation - occasional odd phrasing is either down to its translation software or a long day of talks taking their toll on the politicians... Merkel said:
To read the rest of this article visit: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/debt-crisis-live