This was an image my sister Yasmeen Harper drew for me and was first used here. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/2012/05/15/the-new-high-heart-consciousness-is-rising/
This image of the 5D High Heart Sun Rising was what I’d been clairvoyantly seeing in relation to our ascension/evolution out of the dense bottom three 3D chakras with the Solar Plexus as the highest ego expression and sense of identity within that frequency and consciousness range for the majority of humanity…and our ascending/evolving Crossing the Bridge up into the 5D High Heart “Unity” frequency and consciousness range of the High Heart chakra. I’ve been feeling and seeing this great and grand evolutionary process and shift unfolding within my chest/High Heart area (and also in my head/skull/brain/Crown and Brow chakras and brain glands) very intensely since 2010. In 2012 this growing 5D High Heart business has increased rapidly and it’s accelerated tremendously since July 2012.
Off and on during September, October and November 2012, I’ve had increased pains and pressures caused from this shifting process in my upper chest area radiating out both the front chest, back, and spine area. At times since September it’s been very intense, exhausting, debilitating to the point that I have to sit and rest while my physical heart pounds in my chest and I feel like I’m being hollowed-out by higher frequency Light Energies in this entire area. There is nothing wrong with my physical heart, this is another energetic evolutionary Ascension-related process and symptom that many of us are having now in this new and rather different way.
The Shen Ring represented to the ancient Egyptians, eternity, divinity and protection; multidimensional eternal protection for the pharaoh and everything the pharaoh ruled. The Shen Ring is associated with the solar disk, and also with the Milky Way galactic symbol of the serpent biting its tail.
The Shenu (later called Cartouche by others) divinely and eternally held and protected the name, the identity of royal persons. Shenu means encircle.
I started with these three seemingly unrelated symbols/images because I’ve had slightly different and more intense physical pains and energetic pressures (off and on) from my diaphragm up into my chest and upper chest area and my spine in this same area since September 2012. I’ve had these pains and pressures in this location before this date but since September it’s gotten more painful, and at times, very intense.
In the past I’ve written about the different ascension symptoms connected to the lower 3D Heart chakra (physical heart), and also the 5D High Heart chakra (Thymus gland in upper chest) and how we often feel sudden intense, uneven heartbeats, racing, thuds, thumps, radiating heat or cold, mild inner movements and/or inner body vibrations in this area, and greatly increased overall pressures in our entire chest, heart, and corresponding spine and back area. What I’ve felt in my body, plus what I’ve clairvoyantly seen since September 2012 has been a bit different and that’s the reason for this article.
These current ascension-related pains, pressures and changes many of us are experiencing in our hearts/High Hearts/upper and lower chest, spines and backs within this area are directly and intimately connected to the ascension-related pains, pressures and changes we’re experiencing in our heads, skulls, brains, the trinity brain glands — Pituitary, Pineal, Hypothalamus — face, sinus area, eyes, jaws, and of course our Crown and Brow chakras. Because of what I’ve clairvoyantly seen I felt it important enough to write about and share because it was rather beautiful and meaningful to me, and I suspect it will be to many of you also especially if you’ve had a “past life/lives” (simultaneous) in ancient and/or very ancient Egypt.
During the times when these 2012 chest/heart/spine pains and pressures sent me to my recliner chair or bed to survive another wave of ascension transformation pains, I try to use those times to perceive whatever I’m capable of perceiving through the pains and pressures. A few weeks ago when this heart/chest/spine pain was rather severe and I was forced to my chair to ride it out, I clairvoyantly saw some ancient Egyptian symbols appearing within and also over my physical body. I’ve had this experience in years past too with other ancient Egyptian symbols, but these symbols and information have to do with us Crossing the Bridge now in 2012.
The Crossing the Bridge has taken on a more complex meaning to me over the past few weeks. I’ve recently understood that Crossing the Bridge is also about the process many of us Forerunners are living through now that has to do with our evolving, ascending and energetically Crossing the Bridge from the old 3D duality frequency with its Solar Plexus chakra and ego as THE perceptual lens on “reality” — across to 5D High Heart chakra and unity frequency which is rapidly becoming our new loftier base of operations and consciousness lens on “reality” and Home Station. This is the “Heart-Brain Complex” shift process Lisa Renee has been talking about that more and more of us are currently going through in our bodies and consciousness now. (See Lisa’s excellent November 2012 “Heart-Brain Complex” article.)
While resting (enduring!) in my chair with my heart pounding and my upper and lower chest area and spine feeling like it was a huge empty circular space being cleared out by higher Light Energies (often coming in through the top of my head/Crown chakra and partly radiating out my Brow chakra like a giant-sized “L” shaped beam of Light!), I clairvoyantly saw a large Shen Ring appear over my entire chest area. I saw it this way but it was inside my body as well and not just on the front surface of it. (When this happened I recognized the symbol but didn’t remember what it was called and had to look it up a couple of days later.)
The bottom horizontal bar or line of the Shen Ring was positioned across my physical diaphragm and sat atop my Solar Plexus chakra. This horizontal bar was exactly where the pain in my spine and back was and radiated out horizontally under both shoulder blades at the time. The highest point of the Shen Ring was positioned exactly where the intense pressure was in my upper chest that radiated up towards my throat and lower jaw. Keep in mind that the horizontal line of the Shen Ring in this case, is representative of existence in dense 3D duality physicality. While in it we experienced 3D life in the lower frequency world by going out in different directions on this horizontal line. This horizontal Shen Ring line is also a demarcation point between the lower frequency 3D Solar Plexus and all that went with it, and the major shift up to the higher frequency 5D High Heart and all that goes with it. Once we ascend/evolve Cross the Bridge into 5D High Heart unity consciousness, we (re)discover how much easier it is to intentionally traverse the multidimensional vertical frequency line, which is in this case represented by the Shen Ring circle of eternity, divinity and protection.
As I was seeing a Shen Ring superimposed on top of my physical body, inside of it and behind it, I understood that as we evolve/ascend and Cross the Bridge into full 5D High Heart unity consciousness, our 5D High Hearts will become our new higher sense of true “Self” and that we are indeed eternal, divine, and divinely protected eternally. Obviously this is a very dramatic shift out of the old 3D dense duality Solar Plexus (bottom three chakars) and ego sense of self! Here’s what I clairvoyantly saw as best as I’m able to reproduce on my computer.
thank you
thank you very much dear heart.. hearing your experience made me feel better. i am experiencing the upperchest spine pains, these days upper chest pain is getting more intense.. thank you for sharing. love you.