I’ve been trying to get something written quickly about what I’ve been feeling building energetically since Monday, April 8, 2013, because I sense IT is going to increase all week and then there will be another decent sized shift for many of us near the end of this week — April 8th through April 13, 2013. From my perspective IT feels like more positive Energy has arrived and/or I’ve arrived at where IT exists and IT is literally pushing, disintegrating the past negative Evolutionary Cycle blueprint energies and negative Beings/Team Dark (nonphysical and physical) that went with it right out of the way. I’ve worked a long time to finally feel this Out With the Old Negative Everything shift in stages in this world and dimension, and this present stage that I’m feeling today, April 8th, is unlike anything I’ve felt before so this is very exciting and encouraging.
I’ve wondered over the past few years what it’s going to feel like and how am I and others going to adjust to this Out With the Old Negative Everything shift? Honestly think about this because the old Negative everything is all that humanity has known in this life — and many others if you remember your “past” lives. I’ve long remember that I Volunteered to enter into a world that was totally controlled and owned and operated by the Negative Beings/Team Dark since early childhood. Because of this I’ve adapted and adjusted to the negativity, density and duality to survive while I was incarnate here on an Ascension Mission in this timeline.
My point is that, because of these different things, I’ve gotten used to balancing myself against the profound negative energies that have completely controlled this planet for so long. Over the decades my inner equilibrium so to speak has had to adapt to this old negativity so I could move around within IT in this life and physical body. However, now having passed the 12-21-12 Expiration Date, and experiencing the ongoing disintegration of the old negative Beings/Team Dark and their being in control and those old energetic blueprints that enabled them to run the show for so long, on Monday April 8, 2013, I became much more aware that I’m now having to use very different consciousness and energetic muscles so to speak to balance myself against the changing external energies as the old negative ‘frequency fences’ and Team Dark diminish from this world and timeline.
Today it’s Thursday, April 11, 2013, as I continue writing this and this 11 energy day brought in a wallop of positive energy early this morning that clearly and repeatedly let me know that I should write more now about the importance and necessity of individuals – 1 – and the Ascension Process. I’ve known this particular information before today and have written about it over the past few years, however, this portal reminder message came to me today through two women’s emails that both carried the same message that I’m supposed to be reminded of today during this 4-11-13 portal. Thanks goes to Karina and Nan for playing their parts in anchoring and delivering this portal reminder message to me today. ♥
The message (and reminder) for us all right now is that we’ve reached that very important point where we MUST individually –1– live the Ascension Process; embody the new higher frequency Energies; walk the talk; master discerning energies and Beings etc. and we MUST start doing this on our own and consciously recognizing that we are doing it on our own.
Why is this so important now that it’s one of the big Light Information messages that came in through this 11 portal? Because humanity has been horribly, unthinkably, pathetically and intentionally dis-empowered by Team Dark for thousands and thousands of years to keep them from evolving spiritually. One of the main ways Team Dark accomplished this was through mind controlled dis-empowerment of individuals. But with that old Evolutionary Cycle Expired and it disintegrating fast, we Forerunner/PathPaver individuals HAVE to remember and/or re-learn how to be empowered individually. That seems to be one of the main incoming messages of this 11 portal day. There’s been more today but this it gonna have to do for now because I’m totally spent! We’ll talk more about this individual shift business more in Comments, but I’ve felt compelled today, amidst all the other insights I’ve personally had, to finish this article and get it published on April 11, 2013. Often I/we have to paddle extra fast n’ hard sometimes to catch the next incoming Energy Wave so we can surf it all the way in. This is me and you doing exactly that and very well done everyone! ♥
April 11, 2013
Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and link. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/ link to original article
thanks for sharing, we all will be closer, mind and soul.
yes this is what i have been with a intuitive feeling.
i truly believe and feel that these are the times mankind will have all our ESP. switches turned on.
for we all know as a fact that there are within the masses of mankind who have been studied and completely scientifically documented to have ESP. gifts of bending spoons, and mind reading, etc. this is a fact, not fairy tales of the stupid Hollywood movies brainwashing, BY MIXING IN dumb characters to dilute the truth.
these powerful people always try to insult, and discredit mankind's gifts of ESP. and the natural gifts we all have, for all of us only need to exercise and train our skills to a fine tune skill level if we knew how.
i believe that the CME. of the sun, and the photon belt (WE ARE IN THIS PHOTON FIELD OF OUTER SPACE} combination that has not happened in many many thousandS of years on this earth and for us to receive this, and BECAUSE OF THIS FACT, all of us, even animal, plants are going to given us the SACRED atoms, particles we need to inhale, absorb this energy that WILL TURN ON THE OUR MAGNETIC AURA OF OUR BEING AS WAS A PROMISED BY MANY MANY RELIGIONS, TO BE MANIFESTED TO THE LEVEL OF FULL FORCE NOW.
blessings to all of us for we are all one