Denise Le Fay: Why We’ve Been Ballast-Cutting Like Crazy All These Years

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Why We’ve Been Ballast-Cutting Like Crazy All These Years, by Denise Le Fay, October 1, 2013 at:

Last year or so I perceived another symbolic visual message from my Higher Self that was, as usual, extraordinarily simple and beautifully to the point. It had to do with the Ascension Process — with the first transmuting and integration phase highlighted along with what comes afterwards due to that inner prep work.

Of course I cannot find any images, illustrations, photos etc. that come close to the inner visions I see or any other higher dimensional location unless I attempt to draw them myself (euw, no no no please!) or ask my artist sister to draw it for me. However, after some rushing around online searching for photos, illustrations, or whatever I can find that comes the closest to what I perceive, I have to settle on buying whatever image(s) I do find that are the closest match. Such is the case with these purchased images below. They tell the story well enough but they are not exactly what I perceived.

The visual message my Higher Self gave me in this case was of a large Hot Air Balloon far up in the sky with only one person in it and nothing else around. The entire image was a beautiful, rich gold color with thousands of tiny gold-colored and white-Light colored sparkling glittering dots everywhere. The sky was gold, the balloon was gold, the person in the balloon was gold etc. Everything everywhere was gold-colored except for many, but not all, of the tiny glittering white-Light sparkles.

I’ve seen different locations like this before in different dimensions and in different levels within those dimensions and quite often they’re perceived as all one color like this golden vision. I’ve seen other-dimensional and other levels where everything and everyone in that particular space was a beautiful deep blue color; a beautiful crystalline silver color; a beautiful milky pearl color with pale pastel iridescent baby blues, pinks, mint greens and lavender overtones. These visions where everything and everyone there is perceived as only one color is a message in itself.

The Symbolic Vision Message

The Hot Air Balloon represents the Ascension Process. The single passenger in the hot air balloon represents each one of us individually living the Ascension Process.

Denise ballast-bags1The many ballast bags filled with sand and attached to the hot air balloon represent all the unresolved density issues, karma, duality/polarity issues, emotional wounds, mental and emotional habits or addictions etc., “past life” (which are actually simultaneous lives) issues and wounds, fears, hates etc., current life guilt, anger, fear, projections, unresolved issues and other stuck energies and so on. All of the ballast bags represent the different and numerous dense 3D energetic issues that each of us have HAD to transmute, integrate and return to neutral or “unity” energy during the dark, difficult and painful first phase of the Ascension Process. Us doing exactly that is symbolically represented by us cutting and releasing each one of the ballasts from our symbolic hot air ascension balloon.

Denise golden-stars-3The golden sparkly environment that the hot air balloon and its single passenger were within represent a specific higher frequency range beyond the frequency range of dense duality. It represents the 5D range where the integrated and neutral High Heart unity frequency is the sole lens on reality and basis of reality at that level of development and focus. This gold space and level is not the end-all by any means, it simply was a visual representation of the shift point where one ascends/evolves out of the range of lower frequency 3D dense duality consciousness and reality and into the range of 5D High Heart unity consciousness and reality.

There’s so much more beyond this frequency range and symbolic sparkly golden space or level, but for now, this is where we’re evolving into (the High Heart Sun is Rising and the Shen Ring and Shenu articles information) and that’s why this hot air balloon message was gold in color.

Denise multicolored-light-triangles480x320The next phase of the Ascension Process is where many of the Forerunners currently are now. And this is also where I can’t find any really correct photos or illustrations to give you a symbolic visual of what’s unfolding now. These different colored triangles represent triality (unity) — not duality — come pretty close. Your High Heart feels it coming (not to mention that we’ve entered December 2012) and that’s going to have to be your personal visual for this aspect of Higher Self embodiment into your physical body.

If you look at the first image of the man in the hot air balloon working hard ballast-cutting — transmuting and then releasing his emotional wounds, fears, limiting beliefs, unloved and/or projected aspects of himself across time in 3D — you understand why he’s been hard at work lightening his dense vibrational load.

Because he’s transmuted his inner accumulated energetic density and karmic stuff and symbolically cut/released the majority of his ballasts from his hot air balloon, he’s naturally able to ascend higher and higher in frequency and awareness to the point where he (you/me/us) finally shifts into a higher frequency space or dimension. And because of his alchemically transmuted and cleared self and bodies he is (we are or are becoming) empty enough, transparent enough to actually embody his Higher Self into his physical body.

Transmuting and cutting loose (energetically returning dual energies to higher frequency neutrality) all of our inner ballasts, automatically causes us to ascend higher, enough so that eventually we reach a dimensional crossover shift point where our hard inner work results in being able to embody as much of our Greater, Higher Self as we can now into our transmuted and receptive physical bodies. No pictures needed for this phase of the Ascension Process because your High Heart already feels and knows it’s close.

Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2012–2014. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and live link.
