Transitions | September 26 2012
I occasionally go online and ask my Higher Self, “What do I need to be aware of right now?” After asking I’m usually impulsed to go to some web site/blog site — even one that I may not know exists yet am quickly and easily led to it. I do this when I sense and feel Ascension-related beliefs, concerns, confusions and questions building in many people out there. To help me find and connect with what I’m feeling, I ask my Higher Self to led me to whatever information it is at whatever web site/blog site that I need to be aware of in that moment to not only aid me with what I’m feeling, but to hopefully help other people as well.
I did this the other day only because I’m feeling escalating concerns and questions (plus plenty of other things like fear, guilt, anger, resentment, doubts, confusion etc.) building energetically in the fields throughout 2012. What my Higher Self immediately led me to was some information talking about what evidently has been termed “sudden or gradual” by I don’t know who all, nor is it important where I was led to find this material. My article about this “sudden or gradual” question is NOT an attack or insult directed at anyone, any group, or any web site or blog site. Years ago I had these same questions myself about how in the world the Ascension Process would unfold, how humanity and Earth would transition through the December 21, 2012 Expiration Date, what will happen after that date etc. We’ve all pondered and questioned this plus many other Ascension-related hurdles we’ve had and still have to clear over the past thirteen years or so.
I didn’t read much of this information that I was led to by my Higher Self, I really just needed to see those words — “sudden or gradual” — to understand some of what I’ve felt in the field energetically so I could write this article about it…from my current level of awareness of course.
The information I was led to was about the confusions many are having over whether the Ascension will happen “suddenly” on December 21, 2012, or if it will happen “gradually” over many years after that date. The second I read those two words “sudden/gradual”, I thought how typically they show Duality/Polarity thinking and awareness. I certainly understand why many people perceive things this way because they’re still using the old familiar duality tools of awareness where everything is wholly one polarized way or the other polarized way — either/or, black/white, sooner/later, “sudden/gradual”. Confusions (and wars etc.) arise with this tool of awareness because much more is always going on than what polarized thinking can perceive.
The answer to this important question is really so easy, simple, normal and natural if you can function from Unity Consciousness instead of Polarized Duality Consciousness. That is not me bragging but sharing how easy this is once you’re able to, even just a bit, elevate (ascend) your awareness out of the lower frequency Duality range and up into higher Unity, or as I’ve called it, the frequency range of High Heart consciousness. From that higher level of frequency the entire either/or, black/white, sooner/later, “sudden/gradual” polarized duality issues and consciousness are easily seen to BOTH happen! Yes, BOTH “sudden” and “gradual” are how this Ascension business is going to happen…as I’m currently able of perceiving of course.
You see, the Ascension Process has been happening for the past twenty-five years with some Starseeds, Lightworkers, Wayshowers doing it first, incrementally year after year, Wave after energy Wave, transmuting and integrating density and duality within themselves for humanity, Earth and many other-dimensional Beings as well. Stair Steps remember? These Stair Steps have been absolutely necessary even for the Starseeds/Lightworker/Wayshowers. First Wavers, Second Wavers, Third Wavers etc. are Stair Steps themselves. This Ascension Process HAS been happening “gradually” from our perspectives on Earth in physical bodies down in the difficult Ascension trenches, but it’s been happening amazingly quickly from higher dimensional levels and perspectives outside of linear time.
There had to be a Group of Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers who would live the Ascension Process first as the way to embody and insert it in the physical dimension for the rest of humanity that would begin it themselves at later dates. Growing numbers of “regular” people (by “regular” I mean people who don’t consciously know anything about the Ascension Process, the astrological Age change, the end of this Evolutionary Cycle, the 26,000-yearlong precessional cycle completing now including many others all completing in December 2012 etc.) have been living the Ascension Process for many years too, but they haven’t consciously known what they’re going through and why. So whether a Starseed/Lightworker/Wayshower or “regular” folk, this Ascension Process has been happening “gradually” since about 1987, but in those all-important and absolutely necessary incremental energy Stair Steps.
So when and how does the “sudden” part of this come into play? It comes into play fully once humanity and Earth transition through the two remaining energy portals in December; the triple as in beyond duality 12′s of the 12-12-12 portal through the end of the 12-21-12 Winter Solstice portal. I sense the period from 12-12-12 through 12-21-12 is actually one extended portal of completion, exit, and Shift Ascension point for all of humanity (meaning the humans that are ready and willing to change and evolve/ascend now) out of the old Evolutionary Cycle and its lower frequency range of life, reality and consciousness within greater Density and Duality. Simultaneously it is the “sudden” Shift Ascension point for everyone out of the past Evolutionary Cycles and systems, grids, magnetic field energies, human and planetary energetic blueprints, Collective beliefs etc., and total entrance into a higher frequency world, reality and consciousness within Light and Unity in a higher frequency dimension, in a different timeline that begins within a very different Evolutionary Cycle.
Once humanity has traveled through the December 2012 ending and completion of the old Evolutionary Cycles within Duality Density and physically entered the new Evolutionary Cycles and matching Earth world in a frequency range of Light and Unity, all of humanity will have “suddenly” Ascended whether they’re consciously aware of it or not, and, despite the fact that it took eons and multiple lifetimes of work and plans within plans within plans across time and space to “gradually” be able to manifest within physicality!
Another aspect of this “gradual” belief or question and confusion is that once we’re all on the other side of December 21, 2012, not every single human alive will have “suddenly” ascended/evolved into a full-fledged, all-knowing, fully functioning multidimensionally aware Light-filled Human! Remember those important Stair Steps? The humans that were ready, willing and able (if only slightly because that’s all it takes) to evolve out of Duality Density will “ascend” at the Expiration Date (12-21-12) but, they will continue learning, growing, creating and evolving within the new higher frequency Evolutionary Cycle and the matching frequency Earth world and systems and new Unity or High Heart energy blueprints etc.
Thankfully the tremendous developmental and consciousness gaps between humans incarnate on the higher frequency Earth will NOT be as extreme and severe as they were on the old Earth of greater Density and Duality. Having souls/people with extremely different levels of personal spiritual development and life focus forced to live and work side-by-side will no longer be the case in the new Ascended Earth world and Evolutionary Cycles we’re evolving into at the end of this year. The consciousness and developmental gaps between people will be much less which will make life and reality far more comfortable, relate-able, peaceful, equal and unified in a 5D High Heart way for everyone worldwide. We’ve been seeing this manifesting already in 2011 and 2012. Different developmental levels and Stair Steps will still be present on the new ascended Earth but they all will be existing within the same 5D High Heart range developmentally and vibrationally which will make all the difference in the world for everyone everywhere!
On the new ascended Earth ALL of humanity will “suddenly” be existing within a higher frequency world with its matching higher frequencies and planetary grids, its higher frequency energetic blueprints and rules for the new Evolutionary Cycle within greater Light and Unity and so on. The global rules, systems, beliefs and focus etc. will have “suddenly” changed to the majority of unaware human masses, but due to those Stair Steps, they will all have the time to “gradually” continue evolving and learning more about what’s changed and why; how to adapt to and understand their expanding consciousness and all the amazing perceptual changes that naturally come with it; the disappearing of Duality Density; the ending of planetary parasitic existence and consciousness; ending of egocentric existence and consciousness;and the continued expansion into increasing Unity and Light within themselves individually and collectively as a new 5D Group Consciousness planet and species and so on.
Many of us First, Second, and Third Wavers will be the new planetary Spiritual Teachers, Guides, Consultants etc. to the human masses that have ascended but are not yet as knowledgeable, developed or consciously familiar with what Unity and Light is and how radically different life/reality/consciousness will be from what we’ve come from in the old lower frequency patriarchal world of Duality and Density. Many of the Indigos will be the ones creating, building, organizing, directing, running and overseeing all the new higher frequency Unity or High Heart systems and structures around the planet.
So both “sudden or gradual” are true but with plenty more going on simultaneously that’s always existed beyond the range of duality and duality consciousness. The playground is getting larger because our consciousness is.