Design Metaphysics: The Tridecagon

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                  Design Consciousness   




Thirteen is considered to represent the concept of wholeness and is a symbol of unification, i.e. twelve (the dodecagon) in addition to one single and central point of symbolic concentration of self in the form of human potential. With the observer positioned at the hypothetical center of the cosmos, along with the total number of sides of the polygon totaling thirteen, the tridecagon becomes the symbol of total transformation. 

The concept of unity is the centering force. The center is central to both the self and the cosmos in which the observer shares its consciousness and has its being. The center is both inside and outside itself and in position for a symbolic transition into the next field, the next dimension and the next universe.

An awareness of self as the center of a greater unity embodies the meaning and purpose in support of the hypothesis of singularity. The comprehension of self as the center of a holographic universe of one’s own making brings with it moments of sudden revelation and insight. The one single true center is the consciousness designed by one’s self. Awareness of this fact is the essential ingredient that contributes to the equation of 12+1=13, which appears in the form of a dodecagon. 13 + 1 symbolizes the geometry of a consciousness yet to be fully unveiled, apprehended, understood, designed or experienced. Perhaps it is hidden in the geometry of a truer interpretation and understanding of nature, ex. fractal geometry.

The tridecagon is an embodiment of unconditional proportions achieved through previous amalgamations (involution and evolution) i.e. the symbolic achievements and experiences made conscionable through earlier projected holographic ventures into the unknown.

Duality appears before consciousness in the form of a hologram, which appears as a symbolic arrangement of information and energy (light) projected from a point of origin, i.e. a source/core. Each hologram is symbolic in character, a projection that conditions a field of virtual energy by contextually surrounding and separating itself from its’ source for a purpose and meaning known only to the source, i.e. self. (see Design Metaphysics: The Monad) 

This is an incremental and complex process that appears to be proportional to the magnitude of experiences yet to be engaged, i.e. the unknown. Consciousness selectively obstructs certain perceptions (holograms) to which it cannot resonate while being occupied in a systemic process towards individualized manifestations and self-realization (involution/evolution). The magnitude of this endeavor reaches far beyond human awareness, yet remains a universal principle that can only be achieved symbolically by design. (see Consciousness: A Hologram of our Own Making)

The path back to an all inclusive and virtual core of apparent origin is perceived and felt as an intense visceral attraction to return to one’s center of being, i.e. a logical abstraction made conscionable by situations experienced within the constraints of a particular universe/dimension. This response is fundamental to the design process, a step that extends beyond the concept of individuation by entering into the realization of a collective consciousness that never left, nor could ever be forgotten. (see posts "On Being Self Conscious" and "Design and the Akashic Field")

This is a paradoxical situation in the sense that only through the process of individuation, i.e. experiencing self through design, can consciousness return to the collective awareness of I am that, I am. Throughout the duration of the process the matrix of light (information/energy) continues to be made apparent through the virtual emergence of mind, e.g. intellect/intuition, the emotions, e.g. passions/feelings, and the relative shaping of substance. 

The process towards wholeness is universal and dependent upon the concept of duality. What exists within as the Source defines the mystery, the unknown and that which nothing can be said, e.g. the Tao. Without a sense of permanence and universality there are no experiences that can substantiate the desire to know and expand in awareness; which are realizations specifically patterned within the constraints of a blueprint created in reference not only to self, but also to the collective whole.

Light in the form of virtual energy/information will remain apparent, along with the experiences and constraints of a new universe, i.e. dimension, designed to support the next phase in the journey towards greater awareness. 

An expansion of awareness is made sentient, i.e. meaningful and purposeful, through the fulfillment of a desire made apparent within the parametric constraints of the collective. 

Adding self to the equation brings balance to consciousness both in the form of an internal and subjective center and an external, objective circumference. Originally stemming from the zodiacal experiences of the dodecagon (12), intimate exposures to the self via the unconscious are made conscionable as awareness naturally wavers between positions. This movement generates a new frequency that strengthens and encourages growth and balance at a new level of awareness. In this manner the tridecagon also symbolizes the concept of the imagination along with the potential for the emergence of a new virtual “form” where patterns of energy both appear and disappear before consciousness. 

Steve and Karen Alexander: Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries, pg.81

It is imperative that the self be considered the center of the tridecagon in order to understanding the importance of the imagination’s contribution to the process of unification through individuation. This is a process that is symbolically “hidden” within the constructs of the one Source that appears to center this particular field awareness. The tridecagon is the expression of a virtual consciousness and state of awareness that both appears and disappears before mindfulness, at this juncture, in a 3D space-time, carbon based matrix. 

To some the number 13 appears unlucky, when in essence it symbolizes both the end and the beginning, i.e. a tributary of sorts in the journey towards greater consciousness; a cautiously fragmented moment that periodically emerges and recedes before awareness. Any attempt to ignore the power of the tridecagon only inhibits the realization that greater awareness exists within the designed opportunities presented to self in the now.

Separation eventually sires a rush towards re-unification, an action that brings the observer back into resonance with the thoughts of a quantum field of consciousness surrounding the single Source that exists beyond the imagination.


Design Consciousness: Design Metaphysics: The Tridecagon

Thanks to Dion Dion for the link