If after you read this you decide that it doesn't belong in your vibration, no problem. What I am being asked to do is offer the women warriors of light practical recognition of what's possibly coming up.
I am out in public almost every day... I mostly meet strangers.. at least in passing...
I want to speak especially to my lady sisters here now... this is not about fear.. this is using the spiritual power of discernment.
From the eagle view I see subtle behaviors showing up... different from normal... Stay in love, and keep your senses keen. Remember the days when we would meet someone new and 2 days later, out of sheer frustration with our own naivte look back on the first meeting and wonder how we could have ever gotten caught up?
If someone gives you a compliment like I just received, immediately as possible, sense the ENERGY as quickly as you can... We know what love is like now from our interaction here on this site, even though we are miles apart. Don't be afraid... we all can do this..
Remember it's perfectly ok to withdraw from any experience and come up with an excuse... like, "Oh, thanks so MUCH... but I really HAVE to go now" They might try to distract you again. Use your keenest senses... even though we haven't spent years training in "combat intelligence" our guides, star brothers and sisters, and our higher selves will give us a definite clue. If at first you are not sure... don't. No one no angel, master, guide, god is going to punish you if it takes awhile. Practice, spend some time sitting in a grocery store and within yourself, choose any person to study for 5 minutes or so... use your intuition to determine their age, are they married?, do they "have money" what do they do for a living? You will probably never know if you are right. Practice anyway.
Then practice with a family member or friend, or mirror, who understands who you are - how you will explain what is happening, so that when people are in confusion you will have maybe a mental script so you won't be caught off guard... but sail smoothly into and out of a loving conversation.
We can stretch our limits of who we are... remember we have already won!!
We have all the courage, stamina, love, patience, voice, tenderness, firmness and hutzpa to accomplish all we ever wanted... and now is the time we have prepared for... KEEP YOUR ANTENNAES and your CONFIDENCE UP! LET'S KEEP EACH OTHER IN MIND, YA!
Can't help but notice...
How your blog and mine are sort of mirrors for each other... (Today's blog, Make a U Turn)... we are all on the same page... oneness is everywhere!
Thank you sister. Good advice. These are not skills we are accustomed to "honing", yet they are vital now!
Much love to you!