January 1, 2015
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I would like to thank all of your for your support during the past year....
In every case, these very senior officials had no access to or knowledge of projects and operations that we have proven to exist that deal with UFOs and ETs. As the CIA Director said: "How can we Disclose that which we have no access to?".
This means Disclosure - AND Contact- is in the hands of We The People. The acknowledged leaders of government rarely if ever have access to the deep-black Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) dealing with UFOs. The public is led to believe, by an ever-lying media- that the chain of command is intact and no such projects could exist. But in truth, these USAPs are deeply hidden and compartmented and operate completely illegally and unconstitutionally. They constitute a shadowy international Fourth Branch of government that, frankly, does as it pleases.
It is time for Wave Two of this process:
All of us need to do this together and create a second massive Wave of Disclosure. The President and the Congress are unlikely to act, though it is fine to ask them to fulfill their duties. Why? They do not have access to these USAPs; when they ask, they are lied to - or threatened; and for the most part the subject is too controversial and they know the media would have a field day ridiculing them. Additionally, they lack the courage to lead on an issue the Disclosure of which would terminate the petrodollar economic system and render redundant all oil, gas, coal, utilities, nuclear power, solar power and wind power investment and assets. This Disclosure, it is no exaggeration to say, would constitute the greatest change in human history. And entrenched powers do not like change.
But remember: Large changes in history have NEVER come from the centers of power. They have come from 'left field' , from outliers, from the average person doing extraordinary things. Thats where We The People come in.
In 2015, it is our turn.
Wishing all of you a happy, health and peaceful 2015!
In Universal Peace,
Steven M. Greer MD
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